Tough Assignment and David’s Latest on RMN
Commentary from Steve Beckow~ Before posting David’s item from Rumor Mill News taken from Kauila’s site, I have to say that I’m in a more difficult situation than I think I’ve ever been in but that the necessity as always is to steer through it with integrity, circumspection and responsibility.
David and I have a fundamental disagreement … well, several really. David relies on insider information; I rely on the best of channeled messages. David thinks NESARA is a fraud; I don’t. Nonetheless David also believes that lives are at risk if I proceed on the course I was following.
David has even said that in posting Udo’s photos I unknowingly have placed myself at risk. I declare publicly that I have absolutely no fear of the dark whatever might occur. The dark knows where to find me. I scoff at threat and the dark. If my life has not been one of standing up to the dark, then what has it been? I also suggest that none of you be afraid of the dark either, but everyone must navigate by his or her own light.
However I’ve agreed to stay my hand for the moment at the thought of risk to others. I’ll be spending the day mulling the matter over and discussing it with Archangel Michael tonight in An Hour with an Angel. I may not be answering email.
It isn’t a time to be in any way careless or to respond with anything less than measured thought and circumspection. I repeat that any disagreement I may have with David does not detract from the high esteem in which I hold him and the respect I have for his courage.
We are putting the finishing touches on Part III. This is a VERY significant and comprehensive article for reasons I am not at liberty to disclose, but should be apparent within a reasonable amount of time.
So yes… I am fine and have been working straight through the holidays, though at a more relaxed speed than during other times of the year.
The moderators informed me we are getting inundated with comments from people linking to a story on Conscious Media Network about someone claiming to represent an alliance of 130 countries that will be launching a new financial system.
THIS IS A HOAX. I am now in direct contact with the top people organizing the 122-nation alliance we have been speaking of, as a consequence of getting deeply involved in investigating and writing about the lawsuit — and they told me this story is not true.
It is possible that we are just dealing with someone looking for publicity. It is also possible that this is intended to distract people from the real issue and do it in a way that can be discredited, so people do not believe the real story.
Anyway, my goal is to have the new article up ASAP. Stay tuned!
The above comments have attracted attention, as we are still being inundated with people linking to this interview as if it were true.
Since I am in direct contact with the organizers of the Monaco Accords — the 122-nation alliance — let me say this:
The “old guard” were not even INVITED to these meetings — and if any of them showed up, they were turned away. Fulford documented all of this at the time.
The number of nations that was chosen — namely 130 — is too close to the Monaco Accords figure to be accidental.
That being said, Kerry Cassidy vouched for the legitimacy of the man giving the information. That would imply that whomever told him this is lying to him.
It is also interesting, and may be significant, that less than 24 hours before this story broke on the Internet, one of the chief organizers of the “real” Monaco Accords was hit by a car and narrowly escaped with his life.
He is very lucky to have had fairly minor injuries, and will be fine. Nonetheless he is in a lot of pain and is mostly staying in bed.
To me, all of this is only further proof that the negative elite are on their last legs and are making desperate moves to stave off their inevitable defeat.
I appreciate your openness
I appreciate your openness and honesty of making a mistake in publishing news however it would seem to benefit us more if you would wait until you discover it's truth before publishing. I reposted this thinking it was was the Light has been tellling us of a new currency and release of debt so hopefully it will not be too misleading. You have gained our trust and we trust that the information provided here is of truth before it is published by you. I understand that we all make mistakes but losing credibilty by jumping the gun is not going to help spread your messages when there is something of urgency to be shared and anyone getting information from outside sources and sharing with us before checking with the higher beings should step back and realize what disservice they are doing to your followers. All is forgiven as lessons are learned. Thank you.
Can You Please explain further
This Hoax video, was not placed here at the Press, in fact we did not even know it was going around. We posted this as Steve Beckow shares some Brilliant Truths about not being afriad of those powers that Were. Here at the Press, We go through all the information that is posted. Could you please explain this further. All our Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
The People behind the scenes
A further theme has come up in Ben Fulfor's latest instalment of this 'story' in that he claims the Brtish Royal Family has been told to abdicate Queen Elizabeth and instal Prince ~Charles' youngest son Harry who will go along with a the new order of things. Id just like to point out as a British subject that whilst having no brief for the so called Royal Family, Prince Charles is next in line to the throne then Princess Anne, then Prince William and then maybe Prince Harry. Prince Harry is a bit of a loose cannon, a rather immature headstrong, rather irresponsible character who a couple of years ago got some stick for dressing up as a Nazi at a stag party. It is rumoured that he is the actually the son of Princess Diane's lover. He certainly resembles him. Prince William is a much more steady and socially aware person. Anyway who gives a fig about any of them. We dont need the Royal Family or their Palaces or the cost of maintaining them. All that should pass into a trust for those who are the victims of the vicious right wing wreckers of millionaire schoolboys who call themselves the government in the UK>
About David
The Hoax that David was talking about was not NESARA. This is the one he said was a hoax
Thanks Peter, this sounded real to us and not a Hoax, thius video went up yesterday. We always observe David and Bens Information Closely. We used to not post any of these things as really its all happening in hte Illusion. Anyone elses thoughts about that Video. We had listened to the whole thing. All our Love Mother and Father God and Everyone Here at The Galactic Free Press Staff
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
David might be, being compromised
Just so Everyone is Aware, we feel that Video is bringing in 5D Understandings that many dont get quite yet. If david is in a fear state, this means the Minions have him. Only In states of the Highest Love and Joy, they cannot get to you. So, this leads us to see that he is indeed being compromised~
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!