~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Predrag~
Me again... with these ridiculous questions and provocations... Now more and more every night I am having dreams so vivid and so real that when I wake up, start wondering: "Am I still awake?..."
Most of the writings are already written on some other level of existence of mine, yet I have this urge to bring them in this reality... Simply these little stories come as short movie, kind of 3D movie, where I am character in the play, I am observer of the game, and I am one who wrote this movie script...
Morning time I only remember title with some flashes of the characters and scenography... So this morning this title came to my frontal lobe of remembrance... "How to pick olives without climbing the tree..."
I am walking among most beautiful and filled with amazing energy field of trees... I cannot remember where I sow these beautiful trees and what their name is, yet I remember feeling of full acceptance when I climbed them in past life’s...
I am observing horizon behind endless line of trees, with sumptuous branches filled with nice and long leaves... The entire horizon shimmering with silver and gold colors... Breeze is here all around me, carrying scent of orange sweetness and freshness of earth...
Among the trees I feel presence of someone truly beautiful.... She starts coming closer to where I was.... She is asking permition to join me in these beautiful experiences without opening her mouth... She just floated toward me in gentle moves, very sensual and gracious...
"I am Athena... Lady of these regions..." she thought... "I am so happy that you enjoy these wondrous trees and their fruits... It is quite rare to see someone enjoying in these times colors of the trees... It is quite inspiring to see your amazement with simplicity of this olive tree..."
"Thank you, Dear Lady Athena... I was wondering what was the name of these beautiful trees..." I replied confused... is this true that she can hear my thoughts and see my feelings?...
"Yes, I can and it is not so uncommon from where we coming from..." she continued...
"At these times when I walked the Earth as you walking right now, it was completely common to feel magic, to having inspiration by simply looking on the valley of olives..."...
"At these times, we wondered what fruits we can bring here, as climate is such beautiful all year around...." she smiles, radiating beautiful white gold and pink light all around her...
"So, the Council decided to send me to Pleiades to select fruit or plant that will flourish in these regions... and I did... I brought olive seeds, knowing that will flourish and that people of these sunny regions will care for these very special trees..." she concluded with nod and proudness in her voice...
"Dear Athena, this is amazing... What age you are talking about?... some 4500 years ago?..." I attempted to analyze it and bring it back to my logical reality...
"Yes, dear one, maybe a bit earlier... but what was interesting there were some major wars in these times, and people were killed, displaced, expelled... Their properties were burned down, animals killed and stolen... Yet, no one touched olive trees or cut them down..." Athena whispered...
"Imagine, that only thing that left among warring parties of these times were olive trees... We were so proud; we were so happy that every human being realized sacredness of this magnificent tree... All the sides respected its divine qualities and its intentions..." She speaks in shoto-voche with tears in her beautiful eyes...
"I can so imagine why they did not want to destroy this miracle of the tree..." I start thinking out loud... "You need lot of years to get the product from this tree, and as it gets older, its product becomes better and filled with more and more universal energy..."
"So, dear Athena, how you pick these nice products from the tree?... Some are quite high of the ground?..."
And Athena smiled and continued: "My beloved one, you do it as you did last week, with brushing the branches, climbing in the center and removing by hand if you do not want to damage them..."
"But... But what if I do not want to claim the tree?..." I continue my logistic investigation...
"Then, my dearest one, you hug the tree, send her all your love and gratitude for all the products that she is giving you... send her all your kindness and appreciation... and tell her openly you are kind of lazy... simply be true to yourself and she will fully understand..."
"Then simply stand back and watch what is about to happened..." Athena finished her story...
At this moment olive tree next to me called me and sent me most beautiful invitation to try this technique on her... I turned toward Athena, where she nodded and smiled...
I hugged the olive tree, called her beautiful, gave her all my gratitude and love and compassion and thankfulness....
On the instance I stepped back from her trunk, I could feel the waves of energies all around the branches, who are changing colors and making very nice sound of humming breeze...
At one moment of now, the raindrops of olives start falling down on the green tarp and all over us... This lasted for only minute or so, and when I looked up on the tree, there was not a single olive left...
Athena smiled, bowed to the tree and disappeared in the mist of the air...
I stayed there for quite some time, fully enjoying the beauty of Mother Gaia and her wonders, not realizing that this was just a dream... This was just a dream that I did not want to awake from it...
Thank you dear Lady Athena... Thank you Mother God... We are so blessed you are with US...
With Love, I AM THAT I AM Predrag