12~22~11~Life on New Earth
~Galactic Love Reporter Jimmy~
Last night in a dream I had a vision of what life could be like on New Earth after the Earth's planetary ascension. I have no idea how long it will take to get there, but the vision I had was incredible. I was walking in nature at night, and everything was basically familiar, except there were hundreds of stars in the sky, and the stars appeared to be much closer than usual. I realized the stars were moving. Suddenly, one of the stars was flying toward me. When the star was almost upon me, it took the shape of a young woman with wavy blonde hair. She landed gracefully on the ground beside me, and her body took on human density. It was like a scene you would see in a movie! She was a normal looking, every day young woman, dressed like somebody you might see walking down the street today. I said, "Holy shit! can I do that?" She motioned for me to be quiet as she sat down and started meditating with her hands in a position with one hand horizontal and the other vertical and her fingers in a mudra position. I got the feeling that she wanted me to do the same thing. In retrospect I wonder if she was showing me how to turn my body into light so I could fly!
Simultaneously, I was having another dream where I was in labor. I am a man, but in my dream I was having a baby. I pushed extremely hard, and a dark energy exploded out of the top of my head. Immediately thereafter, I pushed one more time and gave birth to a full grown man.
At the same time, I was dreaming that I was dirty and looking for a shower to clean myself. There were human feces all over the floor. I found a shower, turned on the faucet, and the feces started to go down the drain. Obviously, it was a "clearing" dream.
All of these realities were happening at the same time! This is the second time I have experienced multi-dimensionality to this extent. The first time I was flying around in one dimension while I was directing and controlling the flight from another dimension, enjoying every minute of it in both dimensions.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in store for something incredible! We have come so far, but we haven't even scratched the surface of what's to come. I predict there will come a time, sooner than we think, where we can turn our bodies into light and fly to wherever we want, and where experiencing multiple realities at once will become commonplace. It's all true! And I also suspect we will experience wonders we can't even fathom at this moment. Somebody pinch me!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in store for something incredible! We have come so far, but we haven't even scratched the surface of what's to come. I predict there will come a time, sooner than we think, where we can turn our bodies into light and fly to wherever we want, and where experiencing multiple realities at once will become commonplace. It's all true! And I also suspect we will experience wonders we can't even fathom at this moment. Somebody pinch me!
Sounds about right!!!
Dream Interpretation
hi, i believe i can explain your dream. the lady you saw was lilith, the original woman of gaia, a goddess, and the mother of the human race. just as gaia is birthing the anew earth lilith is birthing humanity. lilith's story is an increadible one, and in need of a lot of clearing, it is i believe where all the fairy tales of princesses awaiting rescue originate.