~13+13+13+13+13 The Highest Divinity 13+13+13+13 = 28th October 2011~
The seventh day is revealed with the peacock on the 13th October... with 11~Serpent...
On the 28th October the Mayan calendar of the 360 day Tun (9 level Mayan pyramid of time) comes to a completion, this calendar maps the Creation Cycle of life and what it is also doing is showing us that life is coming to a point of giving birth to a new way of living in harmony and balance... thus everything is in chaos now so as for it to see itself and change to be aligned to the Oneness of the infinite universe... consciousness is seeing itself consciously and with a conscience of truth. this is what the Divine Plan has allowed for all along... this is all part of the ancient prophecy... we are all learning so much more than we could have imagined, yet we have imagined this from eons ago on a subconscious levels and now we are becoming conscious of how amazing life is... we are the miracle...
Link to a Graphic of the “Universal Wave Calendar” and the 7th Day... http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/uni-7day.html
Completion of the 7th Day of all 9 levels of the pyramid of time will bring the exposing of the ignorance that lies within. The truth will always be revealed and thus set us free to fly like an Eagle.
On this day that I start to write this update, the date is 14 October 2011 and 12-Keme(Death), being transformation and rebirth bringing the understanding of this 13 day wave of Men(Eagle) - ascending to a higher perspective.
On the 16th we start the last 13 day Trecena wave leading up to the completion date on the 28th Oct 2011 of this 260 day Tzolkin and all the 9 levels of the consciousness of the Mayan calendar. This Trecena holds the aspect of Q'aniel(Rabbit) – time to appreciate the growth accomplished.
Q'aniel(Rabbit), south is his direction, yellow is his colour, abundance and glory is his fruition. Q'aniel or Lamat is the seed of maize as well as the shining "star" of planet Venus. Venus has 4 different periods as seen in the glyph and among this it is the morning and evening star. At present it has recently moved into being the evening star. When we first started the 9th wave on 9 March it was the morning star. Venus is said to embody the four colours of maize as well as the four corners of the sky earth; yellow, white, black and red. Venus and maize where connected through the god Quetzalcoatl, giving maize to humanity, ritual worship to the priesthood and craft to the artisans. Look into the movements of the starry sky, letting ourselves be moved by the perfections and precisions of universal movement. Humanity has it's failings and according to the Maya we are born with imperfections, but the sky is not so and it shines back the truth that the Golden Road is within our human understanding of the Cosmos; we are here and gone and then here again; like maize and like Venus we are creatures of cyclical births, lives, death and rebirths.
Creation will always provide for the growth of an ethical outcome. This is because Creation does not work with the mind, only the Universal Heart of Unconditional Love. If something seems to still grow, even thou it is an unethical system, it will eventually fall or it will change to be of an ethical value. And the 7th Day will see to this. Especially the 7th day of the Universal wave we are currently in. So we can expect lots of shifting and changing and possible collapsing of unethically driven systems, motives and structures in October and November. And it is evident that this is happening and has been happening.
This is also why we need to confront that which we may have swept under the carpet or it may reveal itself in a way that you would not like. Confront life with the hearts truth. Make allies with the enemy within. The enemy is the fear of what might happen and this unknown field of doubt leads to stress and anxiety.
After the 28th of October we start the new 260 day round and this has been what has driven the calendar of cyclical days since the beginning of time, 16.4 Billion years ago according to the 9 levels of the Mayan calendar. We now, on the 29th start the new 13 day wave of Imix(Crocodile). A good time to start something new. This day leads humanity into the great unknown according to the grasp of the Mayan calendar. We could say we are starting the “New Age” which can only exist in the center of the hearts truth, as does the Infinite Universe. We are thus starting "The Golden age of Peace" and the "Golden Age Calendar" can now be birthed consciously as we are born to the new light of unconditional love. We have been in a gestation period of being held by our selfless Mother Earth. If we look after our Mother she will care for us.
So on the 29th October we start the next 13 day wave of Imix and it is a good time to start something new in our life. Imix is wetness, the Earth Monster, Water Lily, Crocodile or Alligator.
East is her direction and her colour. She is the first Mother. Her place is where the Sky and Mother meet Ocean in the salty waters of mangrove and water lily covered estuaries. Symbolic of water lily and canoe-tipping caiman (allie to the Crocodile) who were the adornment and ruler of these waters. She is the spirit of rain and water. She is the occult powers of the feminine principle of abundance and regeneration... Life on Earth in it's many forms came from her massive dismembered body and Imix is incarnate in the fertile and fecund places where clams, turtles, birds, snakes, lizard, mammals, caiman and fish of all types abound; the living foundation from which all civilizations sprouted forth; the still, warm and gestating waters from which life came, calm waters to be blown by "wind" into movement and life. She is the wetness from which life originated: the female sex, the feminine principle...
Imix is a day so ancient it precedes the cultivation of maize, and in this ancient time humans lived off the abundance of the Earth Mother through hunting and gathering all they needed for sustenance, shelter and sacrifice. This is the beginning of the feeding and the fed. This is where the Ceiba trees grew as the pillars that held the sky above the earth... The Ceiba is also spiny backed, just like the Caiman... These two beings, one of water, meet and blood and the other of land, wood and sap were the ancestral beings that reigned over the waters and land. Like spines on the back of the Ceiba and Caiman, the volcano mountains rose out of the great sea to create the Earth. Imix is the first day of the Long Count Cycle and the 20 - day divinatory calendar round. Source of life, mother energy, primal waters, blood, nurturance, sustenance of the waters of abundance from which all life and civilization has come. Imix is a good time to ask for the water that sustains one: the rain, the rivers, the streams, the lakes, the estuaries and the sea. It is a perfect day to clean oneself of the negative chargers that have built up within us over time...
Imix is a time is when the new phenomena from the collective unconscious comes to the surface.
This all brings us to the point of the 11-11-11 gate way on November... and the following 13 day wave of Ix(Jaguar) which brings about the contact with the inner core of Mother Earth and this Trecena wave starts of 11-11-11...
This is an article I wrote about the 9x9 day count... http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/The%20Second%20Night%20.pdf... the 2nd Night – weaving the Cosmic Tapestry... 3rd May 2011... an intuitive approach to the 9 day calendar that not much is known about... this I feel connects with a higher perspective of universal consciousness... that will reveal itself as and when it is divinely guided.
Here is a Youtube I just uploaded of a video clip I took the other day...
The Sacredness of the Peacock and its tail feathers revealed in the 7th Day of the Mayan calendar
Here is a link to my latest Articles.
The sowing the seeds of the 7th Day... http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/articles.html
Through Love and light from my ancient heart,
Sean Caulfield (email = seanacaul@gmail.com)
"...this all brings us to the point of the 11-11-11 gate way on November...
....and the following 13 day wave of Ix(Jaguar) which brings about the contact with the inner core of Mother Earth and this Trecena wave starts of 11-11-11... The 11.11.11 Gathering
Completion of the 7th Day of all 9 levels of the pyramid of time will bring the exposing of the ignorance that lies within.
The truth will always be revealed and thus set us free to fly like an Eagle."
~~in love and oneness, peter