Okay, it was another Busker night last night at the Kilted Mermaid; and proud papa was there to hear his son and that incredible band. I got home at 1:20am and went straight to bed, hoping to get up on time. Indeed I did, waking up just past 3:30. As I meditated, the thought kept coming to me over and over: humans are pretty incredible - awesome, in fact. The only limitations to our awesomeness are the ones we place on ourselves. We get to experience whatever we put our minds to, whatever we focus on. As I went to sleep, I was focused on keeping my commitment to all of you that would watch and listen to today's video. As I awakened, I focused on that message of just how incredible we all are, and even more so now that we are finally waking up together. (Here's their song, SPEC, written by Bryan Tilford: http://soundcloud.com/brevardbuskingc...)