2012: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
2012 January 2
Posted by Pat Donworth
I found this message to be an inspiring pep talk for the day. Pat uses the word “God’ but you might substitute it with “Universe”, “Source” or however you name the Higher Power.
Her message is simple but wise, and one we might want to keep in our mental pocket for when the going gets a bit rough: we are so much more than our body, so much more than this moment in time. Look up and look deep. Your life – at this moment – is vaster than you can possibly imagine.
2012: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Pat Kammer, 1-1-2012
Happy New Year! 2012 is here – a long awaited special year with much speculation about what this year holds.
Those who preach doom and gloom and who make negative presumptions would have us all taking poison Kool-Aid or heading for the mountains to live in caves.
I say, hold on and be happy. This moment is all you have. As long as the moment you are living in is A-OK, then pour the poison Kool-Aid down the drain, smile, and be happy with what is. Even if you go through moments of difficulty, this too shall pass.
Remember, God is greater than any problem you may have. Nothing is ever hopeless and no problem is ever forever. It is always solved. Be excited for a forthcoming answer and watch a miracle unfold, because when you ask for help, it is always given.
I like to imagine myself inside God’s Bliss Bubble of protection. In this bubble is perfect in health, abundance, love, and peace. I am floating in space, going with the flow of happiness.
Recently, I was watching a video that was pretty much over my head because it was very scientific in nature and full of mathematics, not my strongest subject. But some of it got through to my sponge brain and struck a chord with me. The video pointed out that space is teaming with life, energy and is not really empty space as we have come to think of it. Okay that’s nothing new.
I also learned that the universe is composed of 99.999999999999999% space and only 0.000000000000001% mass, including US (you and me). Space surrounds everything we know and see and even what we don’t see. Space ‘IS” like GOD IS.
The mass or density that is US as a body is an illusion. The US that is NOT a body, (spirit) is suspended in time and space and is already perfect in this eternity of space. Mind boggling isn’t it?
It makes one wonder why we worry so much about anything doesn’t it?
Look up at the stars and planets and see the vastness of space and wonder at how God could give any of us personal attention – we who are teeny weeny blips on a screen of Universal energy, living as a speck on a larger speck in unfathomable space filled with energy and power.
God loves us, and this fact is a miracle of immense proportion.
Why don’t you try imaging yourself in a bliss bubble, what could it hurt to try? Cease your worry and be happy, go with the flow.
So be and so it is.
Pat Kammer