Lia's picture

 by Nancy B. Detweiler


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

  2012 marks the year everything we term familiar will change.  So far, we have approached the 2012 Elections as if they are simply a repeat of years gone by.  We hear the same themes blasting forth as the broken record spins ad infinitum:  jobs, economy, national security, terrorists, war, peace, oil, coal, military, healthcare.

But guess what … In 2012, none of this matters!

Gaia, the magnificent being on which we have lived is now ascending to 5th dimension.  Those of us residing on her surface have a choice.  Do we want to ascend with Gaia or do we want to continue with life as we know it?

Unlike any previous election year, we are having to make two extremely important decisions that appear to be two separate choices, but are they?

In order to ascend, every human being must know his/her true identity.  So, who are we?  Jesus taught:  “You are gods.”  (John 10:34)  He was quoting a Psalm he wrote during his lifetime as Asaph, a musician of the courts of David and Solomon.[i]  In Psalm 82:6-7, the soul of Jesus, incarnated as Asaph, taught:  “I say, “You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like mortals, and fall like any prince.”   Why will children of the Most High die like mortals?  Because we do not know our true identity and therefore, behave like mortals who die.

Mortals who die can be controlled by fear of death, fear of terrorists, fear of those who don’t like us so much, fear of hunger, fear of deprivation.  Mortals who die can be manipulated by fear, money, and survival needs.  Mortals who die can be enslaved, lied to, and made to believe all sorts of nonsense.  They can be made to behave like sheeple who have not the capacity to think for themselves, who follow the leader without question.

At this very moment, the majority of Americans believe themselves to be mortals who die.  Meanwhile the princes of this world …i.e. the dark cabal, secret government of the United States of America, Inc., Illuminati easily control the sheeple (as Americans are called by the princes of the world) because most do not know Jesus’ teaching:  “You are gods.”

This election year, Americans must make their freewill choice:  Do I want to ascend into the god that a child of the Most High innately is? – OR – do I want to continue on as one of the mortals who die living on a 3rd dimensional planet?  We are already acutely familiar with being a mortal who dies.  What does it mean to be a god, a child of the Most High?

A god is one who recognizes that he/she is a sovereign being.  A sovereign being does not need a religious creed, the Ten Commandments, or a national constitution to tell her/him what to believe and how to behave.  A sovereign being does not base life on a set of intellectually created beliefs; instead, a sovereign being knows Truth because she/he recognizes Jesus’ teaching:  “The Kingdom of God is within you.”  [ii]  A sovereign being knows that all knowledge resides within as the Most High

Jesus taught:  “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.  For whoever asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door is opened.”  [iii]  A sovereign being knows to listen to the heart, to listen to the intuitive or higher mind.  Go within … sit in the glorious sanctuary of the kingdom of God.  The Source of All Knowledge is within … the sovereign being understands this.  It is this comprehension of Truth that enables the sovereign being to stand alone, independent from the mortals who die.

The sovereign being knows that God is Absolute, Unconditional Love and that Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Cosmos.

The sovereign being knows that Love is All That Is because God is All That Is.  There is no place on the 5th dimension for hatred, discrimination, separation, competition, war, deprivation of any kind, pain, or illness.  There will be no need for healthcare … no need for a military or military equipment … no need for money … no need for jobs.  There will be no place for patriotism to a single nation … no crime.  As Gaia and those inhabitants who so choose ascend to the 5th dimension, all negative energy will be remain within a 3rd dimensional location.  Like attracts Like.  There is no dissonance on the 5th dimension.

Here is where the 2012 American elections enter.

December 21, 2012 marks the end of a variety of cycles of evolution.  Humanity is on the threshold of a major evolutionary leap in consciousness that will result in a total revamping of life as we know it.  2012 marks the end of Gaia’s sojourn on the plane of duality … of allowing her inhabitants to learn through a knowledge of good and evil.  Those who choose to ascend with Gaia will realize that we have lived thousands of years within an illusion.  Duality is an illusion; God is only Love, only Good, only Joy.  What we have known as evil has been an illusion that all of our thought power combined created and fed with fear until it became extremely powerful and made it almost impossible to free ourselves.

That’s why our galactic family is now with us—to assist, as Earth humans throw off the chains of living as mortals that die and learn to integrate the characteristics of a god, a child of the Most High.  As Jesus taught:  “And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” [iv]

The Apostle Paul described the full consciousness that is about to become ours as we make this evolutionary leap.  “Love never fails; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect shall come to an end.  When I was a child, I spoke as a child.  I understood as a child, I thought like a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face.  Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is

love.” [v]

 A sovereign being recognizes that at this moment in time, we know only in part.  It is for this reason that it is imperative that we go within … that we listen to our heart … that we listen to our Intuitive or Higher Self.

According to numerous messages from our Galactic Family, President Obama has been trained to assist humanity in making this transition to 5th dimensional living and consciousness.  The Divine Plan for Gaia and her inhabitants is that the period of living on the 3rd dimension is to come to an end.  Those who so desire may move on to another 3rd dimensional planet.  Gaia will no longer be home to the plane of duality.

The resistance to allowing humanity to ascend has been fierce on the part of the princes of this world, or the dark cabal.  The mortals who die awakening and ascending to 5th dimensional consciousness entails total defeat for the princes.  A multitude of cover-ups which have ensured that the princes retain their power and satisfy their greed, will topple their reign once exposed.  It is for this reason that the princes of this world  have fought President Obama at every turn—threatening his life and those of his family on numerous occasions.

President Obama has had to play the role of a double agent in order to comply with the Divine Plan that he lead America during this time of transition.  He has had the difficult task of being double agent as he campaigned for re-election and as he took part in the debates.  He has had to stand tall amidst the most ferocious attacks ever made upon a President of the United States, with the exception of President John Kennedy who was killed when he planned to announce the truth about some of the cover-ups protecting the princes and keeping the mortals who die enslaved.

According to our Galactic Family, Ascended Masters, and many within the heavenly host, Obama is fully aware of the major changes about to take place; yet cannot at this stage allow that fact to be known.  Instead, he is having to speak and act as if life on 3rd dimension will continue as it has for thousands of years.

What does the 2012 elections have to do with mortals that die becoming gods, children of the Most High? 

The election scenario provides a final exam for mortals who die.  It is our opportunity to become sovereign beings by stepping aside and behaving as gods, children of the Most High.  It is our opportunity to discern the Divine Plan for Gaia and her inhabitants … to intuit God’s Plan for this major shift to the 5th dimension.

It is our opportunity to sit within the inner sanctuary of the Kingdom of God—our heart—and seek truth.  Ask:  Is our world as it presently appears the best God can do?  OR, would a God of Absolute Love have a Divine Plan for his children—who now know in part—to ascend and to know as we are known?

The 2012 elections offer us—the mortals who die—the opportunity to progress on our pathway to ascension by intuiting our role in the unfolding of the Divine Plan for this time of transition.  These elections are not about competition, ideology, or personal preference.  They are about all of us realizing that we are to play a role in assisting our Galactic Family to create a galactic society on Gaia … they are about Gaia once more taking her place within the galaxy as an ascended planet. 

Can we seek truth and find it via our Intuitive Mind[Heart]?  Can we set aside all indoctrinations, ideologies, and prejudices and seek the Way of the Divine Plan for Gaia and those mortals who die to ascend into gods, children of the Most High?

Are we willing to say, “Thy Will, not mine, be done on Gaia as it is in Heaven.”  And then, vote in accordance with the guidance of Our Higher Self?  Can we discern a Divine Plan within the 2012 Elections and vote accordingly?



vote to change not a thing

lightheart1's picture

As a System Buster, A Renegade member of the family of Light I like all Enlightened Beings are   conscientious objector to this election, a moral stance we find in the face of all the truth placed before us, that our Government is Corrupted , a tool of a criminal Banking system ,and the election and the election system a rigged illusion we are here to remove ,to destroy the need for and be free from the duality, and dark energy it uses to keep the people of this once wonderful planet and free country at odds with each other by design, while both parties take our money , rights and freedoms ,then stomp and kill people here and all across the world in contrived WARS ON DRUGS,TERROISM in our names unacceptable. To keep supporting a clearly designed system of Governance that is no longer working in its citizens best interest, and no longer rules its people fairly or equally, a Government that has turned so evil and dark, driven by the hidden agendas of CORPRATIONS and money that they use to corrupt it that most of its citizens now fear it, to support it with a vote is delusional, unenlightened, un-American and yes immoral! Your vote legitimize a poisoned system , and says we are ok with supporting and living a Lie looking away at all the death and destruction our Government meads out in our name all over the world. Ist sayes we are ok with it and don't have the courage to stand against it . One last time, Wake up and stop giving your power away!!! Your vote is a vote to keep creating 3D dark nightmare and tells all beings off planet you don’t want to a 5D world, a world I assure you that has no President, in 5D a light being is selfdriected,free,needs no other to give it rules on how to live. Understand the system is to be removed and will be, many Starseeds and System Busters are on planet to do just that…………

Peace from your family of Light


Guest's picture



Legalize Freedom's picture

This election : 
Romney is presenting himself to be a better option in a lot of ways, 


of course, a sheep in wolf's clothing, (edit: got that one backwards, oh well)

you cannot say this election is important, this election is horse...... ( it rhymes ) 

unless someone for gods good sakes will up the "anty" although poker is not such a great thing, 


and show us all what we are really CHOOSING


we cannot have total confidence in Obama as a lightworker as a NATION/PLANET unless he does something to show us he is one, or that the others are dark,  


this election will not matter at all in the slightet bit if the tides do not turn before the voting day to show everyone the light of day , not tomfoolery 


it could be as simple as legalizing marijuana and disclosing its ability to cure cancer

or as complex as showing the bush crime syndicate's ties to romney's actions


if all we base our vote on is the debate, then Romney's cam-paining is very appealing to a LOT of people, 


because my mind is open, but not open enough to be omniscient, i can tell you Romney convinces me a lot to vote for him until I think a lot and realize he probably is quite diabolical, 

of course I do feel the most inspiration and hope from Obama :) 

it seems the only real MSM journalism that is worthwhile is the daily show and colbert repot at this point in time. 

President Obama is here to

kininigin's picture

President Obama is here to assist?What a laugh,If we are truly sovereign why the hell do we need President Obama,a galatic family,or you 4 that matter to help us.Mother earth will do it all.Why don't you mention The Beings behind and possessing the hybrid humans cabal(they are everywhere paraded in front of us Tares acting HUman-news casters and new age gurus not the least of).Why don't you mention that they comprise a large part of this so called galiactic family you and other gurus speak of.Mother earth wants you to Opt out don't vote,cause if you do the matrix still has you.and if as you say the game changes completly on dec 21st,who needs any kind of authority,on or off world.

President Obama

dds's picture

Excellant write up Nancy.  For sure, it doesn't look like we'll all make it.  But then there's still time.  But how many recognized His Holliness the Christ (Jesus) when He came or Mohammed?  or Moses?  Not saying that Obama is a Manifestation of God as such but time will see that he is a very great leader.  When we can get rid of the Cabal we will see great changes although changes will come slowly throughout the year or I should say, not fast enough for me.  God bless everyone.  dds

Give me beings of Truth

kininigin's picture

Give me beings of Truth & sincerity(Humans)Elementals,over so called beings of "Light" Starseeds(anyone claiming they are enlightened are not,more likely they are possessed) any day of the week.The GFOL is a Sham and a ruse.And we know Lucifer is often called a Light creator.Light can be used 2 blind you.Deceivers the jig is up your revealing is happening your time is coming 2 an end!Peace 2 u 4 the crimes against humanity you will soon have 2 reckon with

We understand your point

Lia's picture

However, we do not feel you understand the post completly. Yes the old system is curropt and must dissolve. Obama no matter what you see in the 3d illusion is working for the Light. We have had several personal beautiful dreams with Obama and Michelle. They are with 2 Cyrstal Children. They are twin flames as well. She is saying Vote for the Obvious. He has Mother Earths Vision for a New Earth. Lets Keep Being Loving Examples as this Is How we change the Planet By Being Love In Action Every Moment Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

i fail to see how your dreams

Guest's picture

i fail to see how your dreams should carry more weight than four years of action by the president.

the good tree gives good fruits

Guest's picture

Indeed, lightheart1put it very beatufully, thanks a lot for this


It puzzles me why we would need the president-lightworker Obama after the ascention to 5d? Will there be state, taxes and police with pink machineguns?


Also the good tree gives good fruit... what is the fruit of the good tree Obama?





Anonymous's picture

Everyone is making very valid points. I am finding that to get caught up in the elections at all (and I tend to do it) takes me out of the flow of the divine, which is where I want to be. I have read all the channeled messages stating that Obama is a light being. But is forming an opinion based on the channelings of other light beings any different than the masses forming decisions based on the opinions of people like Rush Limbaugh and his kind?

Personally, I have recieved no direction from my higher self or had any dreams pertaining to the election. Non participation is an option as it sends out the energy that one doesnt agree with the disharmony created by the election process.

Each 'One' of us must rely on our own inner wisdom in determining which course to take. I wish you all blessings and peace. Be in the flow of love.


Desert Gypsy


Paul's picture

Light people do not lie under any situation...

Obama is indeed a Lightworker

Guest's picture

I am as well, an enlightened being.  I am a starseed.  I came here thousands of years ago to aid in the ascension of Mother Gaia and I do not object to this election, but rather take the stance of the author in understanding this is no ordinary election; this is an opportunity to once again, actively tell the universe the path that we, humanity, choose to take.  Obama is a Lightworker and I can say that with the utmost confidence because my intuition, my soul, my heart, my higherself all tell me this is so.  Therefore, with that piece of information solidly confirmed, my perspective of this election is that we are at a crossroads along our collective path of ascension.  We have two choices: Obama, the highly evolved soul of Light that is here to help us ascend, to help unite the world together in Love and Peace, or we can choose Romney who is clearly not a being of Light and is here to further the agenda of the dark. 


This election point reminds me of the Hopi prophecy: humanity has two choices, either keep going down the road of destruction or take a turn onto the road of Light and Love.  It is crystal clear to me that Obama is the choice of Light.  We are not furthering duality and evil by voting for Obama, we are furthering the system by voting for Romney, a third party, or, and perhaps worst of all, not voting.  Our voting for Obama tells the universe we wish to continue on into ascending with Mother Gaia.  We are in the midst of taking our power back.  Voting for the Lightworker is certainly conveying to the universe that we are sovereign beings. 


The timelines are converging dear sibling.  The Light has already won.  There is no longer any possibility of not ascending.  No matter what ascension is going to happen and we can make it smoother or we can make it more turbulent.  Choosing Obama will most assuredly smooth out our ride.  What many Lightworkers are forgetting is Obama MUST look, walk and talk like a duck – that is what a successful undercover mission requires.  You must play the part of the bad guys to be able to eventually take them down, if not the entire operation is a bust. 


If it wasn’t for my intuition, my soul, my higherself and my heart telling me, without a shadow of a doubt, for a long time now that yes the messages from our Galactic brethren and sistren are indeed very correct, Obama is a being of pure Light and unconditional Love, I too would not believe it.  Looks not only can be, but are very deceiving here in duality.  Nothing is as it seems.  Truth is much stranger than fiction.  Please let your soul whisper to you the truth of Obama.  Many Blessings, Much Love and Radiant Light be with you.  Namaste sibling.

"Obama is a Lightworker and I

Guest's picture

"Obama is a Lightworker and I can say that with the utmost confidence because my intuition... Therefore, with that piece of information solidly confirmed"


Forgive us if we do not take "your intuition" as fact when it flies in the face of many actual, verifiable fatcs: NDAA, indefinite detention, Gitmo, et al. It is very self-centered in my opinion for anyone to expect others to act upon "your intuition".



Thank you dear Lightworker

Guest's picture

Thank you dear Lightworker for stating again that Obama is a Lightworker. I know this is true also....and will be proved when the Ascention takes place. We Lightworkers have different dimensional beings living at the same time, different planets, planes of existence...all at the same time! This 3D world, and experience will not last, and we will transcend this. Thank you for your bravery, and speaking up.


Guest's picture

My friends and family are disgusted when i tell them that i will not vote in this election and cannot understand why.


Just as you have stated: i no longer give my consent to this or any government to represent me, to rule me, or to kill in my name. The act of voting would be, in my mind, giving such consent so i will be abstaining.



I totally agree! You won't

Lisa's picture

I totally agree! You won't see me at the polls voting for ANYONE...they're ALL corrupt. As much as it's my RIGHT to's also my RIGHT to NOT vote and be a part of the madness!

I think that we will not all

Michael Merkabaman's picture

I think that we will not all be able to agree about this issue. And that politics in 3D is a divisive institution by nature of this 2 party system,  control by the cabal, and the nature of 3D.  I, personally, will vote for OBAMA as the lesser of 2 evils. The Republicans will try to go to War with Iraq as soon as Romney is elected.  At least with Obama, who was awarded a peace prize, it will be less likely to see that war materialize.

But, I believe that no matter who wins the election, as the REPUBLICANS will try to steal it any way they can, when we move into 5D, it will not matter one bit.  I feel the energy rising EVERY DAY NOW.  We are only 2 months away from ASCENSION DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS.  It is our inner reality and UNITY that matters now.  The rest of the illusion is no longer our concern.  The lightworkers are here to bring our inner reality into THE NEW GOLDEN AGE.  PERIOD.

I know what we will rise above all this very very soon.




Dance in the Rain like nobody's watching

dreamer's picture

 I have been easily angered by the manipulations of those in power. We have been told so many lies.  It was always me who needed a change of heart to move away from finger pointing. I could point and yell and scream for the truth to no avail. Eventually I learned to go within the Sacred Heart. Here things began to change. We grow when we do not take anything personally. 

 I do not know the moment of the Ascension of the Earth.

There are so many predictions of this and that thing which may or may not happen in the next day. If we are dancing, it doesn't matter if it is raining. Celebrate life.

In The Heart,


First in Planetary History

Isis2012's picture

This is a beautiful write .. so very inspiring … but I would like to understand the meaning of the 5th dimension you speak of … so I can understand you fully …

I understand that we are in the 3rd dimensional realty held in place by the Earth’s core gravitational field …

Which includes 4 associated higher dimensional zones of open space which are stabilized above the Mother Earth’s surface, above our 3rd dimension … all of which are hidden unseen within the 4 layers of Mother Earth’s heliosphere …

Which does NOT include the open space of our visible solar system held in place by the sun’s gravitational field … nor does it includes the sun’s additional 7 associated higher dimensional zones of open spaces stabilized (unseen) within the bordering rim of the heliosphere … 

And I understand that as the Mother Earth purges Herself .. Her powers (fueled by powers of the sun) … are also shifting all cosmic hosts linked to the Mother Earth’s Positron Energy … and all cosmic hosts linked to the sun rays feeding off the righteous sun …

All people bearing the Positron signature of Positive Love …. all will be ascending at the same time … … and all will accelerate in frequency as to all shift over to an alternant safety zone alliance …

To remain there until that thousand year period necessary for the Earth core, sun and moon transformation … unto the process of quantum leap … taking all with the Positron signature .. To a much Higher Universal Plane than this 7th Plane of endless darkness …

So I ask … is this 5th dimension that 5th ascension mark which have made void the negative energy and having shifted the masses with the Mother Earth over to the alternant Positron safety zone ? …

Election logic

guest's picture

Ms. Detweilers logic on why she is supporting voting for

Mr. Obama reminds me of the logic used by Ms. Pelosi to

sell us the bill of goods ObamaCare, "You'll have to vote

to pass it to then find out whats in it". As serious of a time

in the galaxy as this is, I really can't understand why, if Mr.

Obama is the Saviour in wolfs clothing just biding his time

to spring forth with his hidden powers he just doesn't come

out and own it. Could it be his convictions are not stronger

than his fear of the consequences of taking a stand in truth?

Could he be afraid he might share the fate that others who

took the stand suffered? You Gandhi, or Jesus,

or Martin Luther King or...........all who took the stand.




Paul's picture

I have to say that you very deceived if you think Obama is even close to being perfect or chosen to lead anyone to a dimenion.

You got to be kidding !!! this man obama is an evil man full of the dark cabal spirit, He is a liar that cannot tell the speak of the Bible ...well it does say that all liars shall have their part in HELL...he is not for the people of america.. he has sold our country to the un...If you believe this garbage I have some ocean front land in the desert to sell to you...Obama is just as arrogant as the devil himself and is muslim a destroyer....The name of JESUS is all power and not any other...


guest's picture

Judge not.  None of us can know a person's heart.  Like it or not, Obama has been touted as the spiritual leader put in place by higher powers by too many channels for us not to at least try to see the reason this may be so.  Try to open your heart to possibilities.


The Election of 2012

Ra-Raela's picture

Nr. 1, we are all lightbeings playing the God Game/Cosmic Play. Being that this is the game of duality, there has to be a good guy and a bad guy, until the unmasking happens and the game has played itself out. Just as in any game or play, there are choices to be made. There is a very astute passage in the Bible: "By their fruits shall they be known."  Instead of bashing one canditate or another, look at what each candidate has brought forth. Look into their history, what they said, and what they did or didn't do. Be totally objective, no holds barred. How do the people with whom these candidates had contact, really feel. Then go into your heart space, and make a decision from there. We have seen what the Bush administration has wrought on this planet. Big oil, big gas, big deception, everything. What does each candidate bring to the table for the planet?  Which candidate goes to the big polluters and promises them "Heaven On Earth"? To whom is each candidate beholden behind the scenes? Ask questions, investigate and then make your judgements according to  what you find. Stop being reactionary, and let love be the judge!

"Sovereignty" is Giving Power to Obama?

Ken's picture

As a sovereign being, I shall indeed vote accordingly... by not voting at all. Recognizing that voting in the current control system is a free-will license for that system to continue its rule over me, I'll be withdrawing that license. Why should a sovereign being vote for his own continued enslavement?


Further, I take solace in knowing that the plans of Source will fare just fine with or without the participation of any particular politician. And I know that if "Ascension" does take place, it will occur due to natural energetic changes, not the earthly policies of government officials or ETs. The rising energetic tide will lift all boats, not just the ones who vote like you'd like.


Don't forget what happened to Greg Giles. I lovingly suggest that all put down the channeled messages & the Kool Aid and get real.

Although I often find Nancy

Guest's picture

Although I often find Nancy Detweiler's material a valuable read, I have to take exception to this paen of praise of hers to Obama; and would remind all of another quote from the Bible; to wit: 'In those days, even the very elect will be deceived.'


Obama is an illegal president.  (He is not a 'natural born citizen ', by virtue of not having two U.S. citizen parents.  The Founders knew whereof they spoke when they included that requirement in the Constitution for that particular office and no other.)  I really believe that the Founders were divinely inspired to come up with this country's founding documents - America to be an ensign unto the nations, for The Common Man to be his own sovereign; to rule himself, and not be ruled by Royalty or Church or any other form of Elite overlord; and thus accompllished a major break with history - and we should not be so ready to toss them aside, as "just a damn piece of paper," as George II characterized the Constitution (which was keeping him from being the despot that HE wanted tso be).  Obama has not shown himself, while in that office, to be anything other than the doctrinaire socialist that his background makes him out to be, and the country - and the world - doesn't need a New World Order from the Left anymore than it needs one from the Right, thank you very much.         


We are faced with a new world, all right.  But not made up of these sorts of qualities.  Like dishonesty.  And deceit.  And dishonor.  And lack of integrity.


A pox on both their houses.  They are both filled with darkness.  This election needs not to happen, and The New to start to manifest itself boldly.


But that's another matter.  For now, just to summarize: Don't look to Obama to be your Knight in Shining Armor, leading you into the New Age.  He is tainted goods.  And the sooner he owns up to it, the better, for all concerned.  Including himself.


Or he will just have to go back for another round of life in 3rd dimension, duality, for a little more seasoning.  Having missed out on this 'season' for those who are ready for Ascension.  And can prove it by their actions.  Not just their 'inner being'; no matter how pure that may be.


This is about character.  Not color, or any other superficial factor.  And so far, that trait is lacking in the man.     

ONE CORRECTION: I hate to be

Guest's picture


I hate to be picky Nancy but Earths ascension cannot by-pass the 4th dimension and go straight into 5D.  Its a slow process from what I've read and it involves raising our vibrations. Everything is made up of atoms.  A change in dimension involves raising the vibration of those atoms!  Also, the change in vibration is predicted to alter our physical composition from a carbon base to a crystalized base.  


Too much too soon can be devastating to our fragile vessels but you are correct that Earth and the Human Race are scheduled to eventually elevate into the 1st step of the 5th dimension.  There are 12 steps or levels to each dimension and 12 dimensions to perfection, which will take an infinate amout of time to fulfill but then whose counting and if we don't screw things up!  Some humans may vibrate into a higher level of the 5th dimension than a level one but nothig happens overnight..

Please look at

4dangelo3's picture is our only none mistical choice.We should have a President saying what they are doing instead of all the secrit's. We do have someone with the right plan of action,her name is Jill Reed.She is the only one who will lead us to a happy future by making an amendment to our constatution call THE PRIME LAW that stop's Govenment and group'sof people from the use of force,threat of force and fraud.It is our only choice that with bring our freedom to us .please look at Jill's Platform"".I know it's is the right thing to do with all of my hart .Has any one heard obama say one word about any of this stuff?Jill Reed is saying what she is going to do out loud every where she goes . You never get Heven handed to you  if you just order one more serving of hell.Please check out who JILL REED is ,she has a write in canidacy (REED/CAREY).Let's get real and order "heven "by having the Prime Law to control man insted of man controling the law. telling every one you know about Jill Reed and how she wil do it with THE PRIME LAW.The government is using our money to make us think that we have to vote for the lesser of 2 evil's.                                                                                 Franked