~ 2012 ~
Planet Earth Transition: "Disclosure ~ Mass Landings & First Contact ~ Inner Earth" Quotes taken from Channeled Material from the Site Above~ Brilliant Reshare~
Disclosure Progress:
"The period we are passing through is when Mother Earth is to be made over to the Light. This process is nearly done. The end of this particular stage will be the formal announcements that proclaim that our space family is here and ready to disclose its program for the landings. At the same time, the first broadcasts from our Agarthan family will go out. We have lived among them for millennia and know how much they desire to reunite the realms of Inner and surface Earth. They intend to show you around their glorious world and prepare you for your journey back to full consciousness. The environs and residences where this is to take place are ready and waiting for your occupancy. We have supervised all the preparations and greatly look forward to completing your ascension. It is vital that the divine plan be manifested, and manifested now!"
- Washta & Ascended Masters / through Sheldan Nidle 12th July 2011
"Know that if your leaders do not shortly come to terms with a Disclosure announcement, we will do so on their behalf since the time within which to acclimatize you to the changes necessary for Ascension grows shorter by the day."
"Your planet is literally surrounded with craft from all corners of the universe as all beings vie for ringside seats to the greatest show in the galaxy. Your world has long been highly regarded as one of the finest spiritual schools in the universe and entry into this University has been highly sought after. Now, you are on the precipice of a school-wide graduation, and you are center stage for the family that has come from all parts of the universe to attend the graduation ceremonies."
- Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 14th July 2011
"The next three of four months are destined to be eye opening, and you will know for sure that the big changes are on the way. After all the year speeds by and before you know it, it will be the magical year of 2012. So get ready to button up your safety belts and enjoy the ride. It can be seen as good or bad as you want it to be, so see the goal that is being aimed for and not the manner in which it is to be reached. All you need know is that it results in all you have been promised. It will be an unbelievable time with one surprise after another, and celebrations will be taking place.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that our ships are gathering for the grand announcement that will allow us to land on your Earth by invitation."
- SaLuSa / through Mike Quinsey 20th July 2011
"Take heart and carry on with your missions, individually and together. These are truly the most exciting times. Keep as good a memory of them as you can, for you will often look back at them and want to relive the moments of time leading up to the Disclosure event and, ultimately, as matters take on lightening speed thereafter, towards Ascension. It has a certain “Hollywood appeal” to it.
"We will continue to show ourselves more and more in your skies and we have planned even closer events than that in the coming time as a way in which to build upon the slow progress we have attained in acclimating the people to our presence. This will include ever closer “fly bys” and greater clarity of our ships so that there can be no dismissing us. This is all planned long ago and, in our estimation, is moving along nicely. Time draws near and we become ever more excited for our reunion. We will greet you with open hearts and with Love and admiration for your incredible resilience in the face of so much adversity."
- Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 26th July 2011
'We have seen the Illuminati’s effects diminish so much over the course of such a small amount of time that it is encouraging for the Disclosure announcement. We perceive that the last of the “hold outs” are actually rogue military operations from several of your governments who do not want to give up their grasp on power. Some of these are of fundamentalist religious persuasions, so we are perceived as a great threat to them instead of the allies we are for humanity. These groups, now disconnected and operating separately, monitor these channelings to determine what advantage they can take over us. They cannot ever imagine the extent and nature of our technology. They have been the recipients of technology spoon fed to them by various self interested species over the years and believe that those technologies are the “cutting edge” of what is out there among the different races of beings in this universe. They are sadly mistaken in this belief. They were given only small amounts of disjointed technologies for those species’ own protection. It does not even touch the tip of the iceberg of the level of our technological capabilities."
- Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 10th August 2011
"The battle between the dark and Light has reached its end, and although the Light has become the dominant force for good, it now needs to be seen to take over responsibility for the Earth. That is in the process of happening and it pushes Disclosure nearer to being announced. It is therefore more important that you hold fast to your focus on the future, and do not weaken in the face of the increasing turmoil and break up of law and order. The cleansing, which is already taking place, does bring to the surface the negative thought forms that have fuelled the unrest. This way they can be dissipated and transmuted and allow the Light to come in. For our part we beam the higher vibrations to Earth to strengthen the Light that is now growing faster than ever. So do not be misled by the outer signs of upheaval and change, as you will see that in the long run it is to ensure the right outcome."
"Disclosure is still a means to an end, and will open many more doors once it is announced. The truth will astound many people as to the extent to which you have been controlled, and will hardly be believed. However, the time has arrived when you shall begin to find out how it was achieved and who were responsible."
-SaLuSa / through Mike Quinsey 10th August 2011
"What many brand the 'conspiracy media' will also be producing their versions of fear based stories concerning us when disclosure occurs. Prepare yourselves for illusory 'news' with big headlines like, New World Order Working with Aliens to Wipe Out Humanity. They will be prevelent for a short time, as many have fears of us and through the law of attraction, those fears have to be manifested before we can move on with everything. For many who are unawakened this period directly after disclosure will be a rough one, as the presence of extraterrestrials being known takes many out of their comfort zones. We will give much care to those souls who are not fully ready to know these truths, as always we wish we could give more but this is a very big job to do, and it fills us with joy to inform you that the ride is nearly over!"
-SanJAsKa / through Wes Annac 6th August 2011
"We have important news for you today. It appears that for the first time all of the appropriate legal documents, treaties and orders, plans and agreements, between all your nations involved in the Disclosure process have been finalized."
-Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 17th August 2011
Disclosure, as we often remind you, will be a decisive threshold in your history. After disclosure, your world will be opened up to the wonders of this galaxy. You will learn about your origins in different regions of the galaxy and about the large human contingent in the Galactic Federation of Light. As you become more conversant in these matters, you can then be introduced to the other Beings who make up the grand diversity that is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is advisable for you to absorb this information in stages, and in this way, be prepared for the immense amount of data we need to pass on to you. In one swoop, you will be transformed from xenophobic Beings who fear the unknown to ones who welcome your diverse spiritual, space, and Inner Earth families. Our dossiers on you show clearly that most of you are deeply curious about the truth of who you really are and why we are here. We intend to answer these questions, and then begin a wide-ranging, open discussion between us, which will quickly set the stage for your return to full consciousness.
-Washta & Ascended Masters / through Sheldan Nidle 30th August 2011
Be ready for the inevitable. Focus on the task at hand as matters reveal themselves to you. The subtle Disclosure discussed previously will now make way for a much more obvious and powerful form of Disclosure yet to come. Be kind to each other in these trying times.
-Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 31st August 2011
As we plan the final stages of Disclosure on our end, you will no doubt see greater and larger displays, more daring and less able to be explained away, of our ships in your skies. Our concentration, primarily in third world countries, will now shift to major nations around your world and you will see the media take note.
-Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 27th September 2011
The road to disclosure has had many strange turns. Recently, several major governments agreed to be on board with disclosure and then abruptly withdraw from that agreement. This taught us that only the caretaker governments could ensure disclosure. Therefore, over the past few months we started to increase our assistance both to our Earth allies and to those willing to actively pursue the use of coercion to drive the dark cabal from its underground bases, and this was successful.
Further, our defense forces have discombobulated the 'advanced' technologies which are sequestered at these bases with the intention of denying the dark ones any possibility of last-minute mischief, which they still persist in plotting. The leadership of the dark needs to accept that its time in the catbird seat is at an end and that the moment has arrived for all the dark ones to face the music and formally surrender to the various forces that are waiting to create the new temporary governments. These are the legal instruments to produce disclosure.
The final steps in this last act of mass defiance by the dark are now underway. As their alternative courses of action shrink by the minute, the time comes for their leadership to bow to the inevitable.
- Washta & Ascended Masters / through Sheldan Nidle 27th September 2011
As mentioned above, these protests are to spread to everywhere, more than they already are. As each day goes by you will hear more and more about these protests and about how they are spreading to areas big and small. In reference to the protests going on in the states, did you not notice how at first your media was completely ignoring these protests, and now slowly but surely they are beginning to talk about them? As other Divine sources on your internet will tell you, this is a result of a very effective treaty we signed with your dark relating to less harsh consequences when they are ‘busted’ globally in exchange for looser restraints on their media, which is to quickly become your media as this treaty comes fully into effect. Your media will begin by talking more and more about these protests occurring in the states and in other places, and combined with your collective actions in standing up for yourselves this will lead to a disclosure announcement. As always we do not give out dates, but suffice to say you can feel the energy of change that is sweeping through and how quickly it will bring about that which we all desire.
-SanJAsKa / through Wes Annac 2nd October 2011
As more and more of the minions of those groups turn away from them in these last hours, the momentum towards a free world gains speed and power. You will see more of this in the coming days as well. Indeed, we have already indicated to you previously that several key media heads have made their deals to open access to the truth and you now see more accurate reporting on what is going on in your world. More importantly, you are now seeing information get to you that would never have been discussed previously.
Your leaders have indeed put Disclosure on the “front burners” of their agenda and it is presently a priority for many nations. There is a great silence in the halls of power across the world as those who are awaiting the orders to begin the disclosure process hold their collective breath. Many levels of government are involved in this process and there is a great sense among many nations that now the time has come. This is a good thing. It prepares the way for those who must make this decision to actually know that what they are doing is the right thing, the true thing, and ultimately, the most important thing they will ever do for the human race. It is time. Those who have waffled on this decision for so long are now well aware of the consequences of making disclosure occur and the need now, more than ever, to make it happen. We await here, excitedly, for the process to begin. We have monitored the thoughts of all your leaders and there is a great consensus that the time has arrived.
- Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 7th October 2011
With the energy and consciousness levels on Earth continually growing, there can be no doubt that the changes are imminent. We could talk of weeks rather than months, and that shows our own confidence in the future.
- SaLuSa / through Mike Quinsey 14th October 2011
While we do not endorse any date, either for Disclosure or Ascension, any date you choose is only as good as your thought intentions in creating its reality. We stand prepared to move towards Disclosure according to the plans we have developed for a long time now.
- Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies 25th October 2011
We are as busy as ever, monitoring developments and waiting eagerly for the next big event that will signal disclosure and the enactment of the new world financial system.
- SanJAsKa / through Wes Annac 29th October 2011
I come from a Sirian royal family and I take responsibility for my work with our Human Brothers from planet Earth. The leaders of your planet that I am working with do not know of my existence yet, for them I present myself as just a thought, a feeling or a dream.
Direct contact from the Galactic Federation of Light with world leaders has not been initiated yet, simply because their mind can not accept us as we are. Many world leaders have knowledge of extraterrestrial beings, and extraterrestrial activities. They do not understand however that we wish to contact them directly, so my work for now is to prepare them to the idea of accepting their role as far as Disclosure is concerned. They are under great pressure, and fear because of the world gentle revolution taking place. Their state of alertness and fear for their own life is higher and higher.
-Settufeut / through Laura 30th October 2011
Today we speak of the Disclosure plan unfolding in your world. Two leaders of your cabal, key members of a control group responsible for the false flag operations that would seek to undermine our disclosure to you, have capitulated. They have been moved to safe zones to be out of touch with those that would seek to obtain their authority to undertake the plans the Illuminati have developed for the Disclosure scenario. They have been effectively neutralized with no harm to anyone.
-Wanderer of the Skies 19th November 2011