2012 Pleiadian Meditation for Gaia: Do this meditation, with or without the soundtrack, every day possible in the lead-up to the 12.12.12! I channelled the meditation at the request of one of my Light tribe, Ka’t Mandu, who is manifesting 144,000 Light tribe to be doing a planetary meditation for cleansing all negativity within Earth and Her energetic body at at midnight Eastern Standard Time to give impetus to the Earth’s Ascension for 2012. It turned out to be a process in which we all connect with the Core Crystal of Gaia, energising Her and speeding up the process of clearing the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions so that we are more easily able to connect with the fifth dimension.
Download this meditation free here: http://www.solara.org.uk (The written transcript is also on the website)
Do this meditation, with or without the soundtrack, every day possible in the lead-up to the 12.12.12! I channelled the meditation at the request of one of my Light tribe, Ka’t Mandu, who is manifesting 144,000 Light tribe to be doing a planetary meditation for cleansing all negativity within Earth and Her energetic body at at midnight Eastern Standard Time to give impetus to the Earth’s Ascension for 2012.
It turned out to be a process in which we all connect with the Core Crystal of Gaia, energising Her and speeding up the process of clearing the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions so that we are more easily able to connect with the fifth dimension.
Love and thank you thank you to my Pleiadian friends for this meditation!
Love love love,
Solara An-Ra Goddess of the Light
wow, very cool!