2012 Summer Solstice at Stonehenge

Rosa's picture


 . . . . for me, and I personally think, all who go there, knowingly, or unknowingly, the Solstice at Stonhenge, is a pilgrimage. We offer ourselves in Service, and this year was a glowing example of doing so without our physical minds and bodies being fully aware of what we was happening!



Although we won the battle to be there, they don’t make it easy. Whilst good natured bus drivers run the shuttle between Salisbury bus and train stations and the Stones, they have to drop off about 5 minutes walking distance from the Stone circle, and we are then made to walk along the road to a point where the footpath ends, cross the dual carriageway, tramp about a mile along the edge of the fields, cross back over the road, and tramp a mile back through the fields to the ‘entry’ point, where our bags are searched and we are permitted to walk up the hill to the Stone Circle. But we get there, with humour and good nature.


Many thousands of people, of every colour, nationality and belief system gather together in an attitude of tolerance and respect, and for many different reasons to enjoy this Festival. It is a Magical and Joyous Occasion! If an over enthusiastic teenager – for example – stumbles or falls, we simply pick them up, without judgment or criticism, make sure they’re ok, engage them in conversation and help them on their way. It is very much about a good time being had by ALL! About everyone being happy, and being themselves. There is music, costume, ritual and the whole thing is a Carnival, a tribute to the Goddess, to the Stones, to the Earth, the Universe and to each other and ourselves.


Some set up ‘camp’ outside the circle, but I prefer to be in it, right in the middle, where people connect and greet one another, where many different drums can be heard along with other instruments all doing their own thing, It is the most amazing experience, and usually, no matter how cold it is on that hill in the early hours, next to the Stones is warm and cozy!


I was aware before I even left home, that, given the energy we have been bombarded with of late, and the resulting negativity forced upwards for release, the atmosphere might be a little more tense than usual, and sure enough, by midnight, tempers were fraying, and some were behaving in a less than kindly manner . . . and getting a less than kindly response. This is not something we are used to at Stonehenge – not the kind of behavior we want – and for the umpteenth time as I sat comfortably on one embedded Stone with my feet on another I got the message . . . . ‘You can do this – You can hold this space’. So I did. I put my heart and soul into beaming Peace, Love and Light to all around me, I ‘felt’ for the links to my fellow Lightworkers and asked for assistance and protection and gradually I felt the atmosphere around us change to one of calm and laughter again.


So far – so good. Then, sometime after midnight, the Heavens opened and it poured with rain! And I do mean that, these weren’t showers, this was a deluge! It came down relentlessly – in torrents, and after sitting there as long as I could, my body temperature plummeting by the second, I had to get up and walk in order to try and stop shivering!


There is very little shelter on that hill! As many of us that would fit took turns in crowding around the few hot food vans for warmth and shelter. At 3am, with the whole of me drenched right through and feeling decidedly hypothermic I stood warming my hands on a display counter trying to raise my body temperature and I was distinctly aware of three thoughts . . . ‘Why’? and . . .  ‘if we weren’t wearing clothes we wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable’, and ‘will we have to swim back to Salisbury – IF – we survive this bloody cold?!’ because it was sooo cold, absolutely freezing!


But while our physical bodies cried out for mercy thinking we could take no more, the greater aspect of ourselves knew the reason we were there. You can’t leave without a car because the shuttle buses don’t start again till morning, and anyway most, having persevered to that point didn’t want to miss the sunrise . . . and so as the sky begain to lighten, we all trudged back up the hill to join the faithful who had remained inside the circle and the party continued.


As dawn came and I focused my attention on all of you not physically there and all who were, I heard the most amazing thing . . . . the drummers and musicians who had been playing individually all seemed to ‘sync’, they echoed each other, they followed each other, they harmonized from different points on the compass with no visible signs of physical communication – it was the most beautiful thing!


The crowd laughed – and cheered – and partied on as it grew light, dripping and shivering – they nevertheless welcomed the Sun and paid tribute to their Goddess and Stonehenge. I was proud and grateful to be there!


It was only when I tried to take photos that I fully understood what I had been vaguely aware of all night. A cleansing of immense proportions had been necessary, and regardless of how difficult it was to raise our vibrational frequency in such miserable conditions we had succeeded in doing just that! We had instigated the release of negative energy for its transmutation into the Light – and I was privileged to witness the visible results!


No matter how many times I pointed my phone at the dark blue sky, all that came out on those photos was brilliant and beautifully colored Light, with dark orbs floating in it . . . until the last two, and by that time I could see large strings/strands of black ‘stuff’ floating upwards and then disintegrating – astounding – beautiful – amazing!!!


The journey back was wet, cold and uncomfortable, but you know what – people laughed and played as they trudged through the muddy fields back to the bus, dressed in all manner of makeshift waterproofs made from all kinds of things. They viewed with much amusement their waterlogged and illegible travel documents . . . and they shared everything from toiletries to drinking water.



To the people I met on the journey there and back – who in response to a smile shared their life experiences, I say thank you.


To the gorgeous guy in Salisbury Bus station who, after I starvingly rushed off to buy a sandwich presented me with a snicker, for’your dessert’. We discussed our initial surprise and confusion that in 2012 of all years, we weren’t blessed with a beautiful sunrise, but we never got to say goodbye –  thank you too!


To everyone there who gave their time, effort, courage and support for the greater good, and to all of you who met with us on the astral, who dedicated your meditative powers . . . . thank you, thank you, thank you . . . . You are AWESOME!! 


Let’s do it again next year?!


I Love You All


Blessed Be!!!


Rosa xxxxx