“Year of the Dragon”
By Love Reporter Rev. Terri Newlon
A Message from Djwhal Khul
A Message from Djwhal Khul

January 23, live from 10 to 11:20 am Pacific Time
Includes live and telephone recording, audio & transcript
for lifetime review at your convenience
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, also known as The Tibetan is well-known to many devoted World Servers. His teachings are practical, compassionate and progressive.
Rev. Terri Newlon has channeled 'DK' since 1980.
Channeled description from Djwhal Khul:
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek! (Tibetan greeting)
2012 will be a 'Year of Spirituality, Paranormal and Quantum Leaps' with water being a delivery system. Together we welcome in the Year of the fiery Dragon with the element of water and color of black. This is an auspicious year for most. It will also be an unpredictable one, especially so with the water elementals.
As light workers, you can use any resources available to achieve your desired results. I suggest we take the breath of the dragon, fire, and combine it with the deep and still black water element, making steam with which to move forward. Normally, it would be considered incompatible, as water puts out fire.
There is also a strong wood element, which floats easily on water. There will be symbolic 'staying afloat' issues within the global economy. This will have an effect personally, and can be interpreted as 'floating your boat' or 'sinking structures'. Choose clearly what you DO want and keep creating in that direction.
We will work with symbols and tools that you can use to reach your optimum positive experience with this Chinese New Year.
As always, thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Channeled on 1/16/12 through Rev. Terri Newlon
4:21 PM
2012.....The Year Of The Dragon......From Terri Newlon.....A Message from Djwhal Khul....