The 2015 UN Summit – Collectivism, Sustainability and the ‘New World Order’

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By Makia Freeman
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The 2015 UN Summit will be held in September 2015 in New York. Like any UN Summit, it will be full of UN buzzwords such as ‘consensus’, ‘empowerment’, ‘rule of law’ and ‘sustainability’, all of which have a sinister double meaning — as we will explore here.

The United Nations, founded by the Rockefellers and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), has always been, right from its inception, about creating a One World Government. It has achieved this by appearing to be “of the people” when “of the globalists” would be a more apt description. Later this year, it will attempt to adopt the “post-2015 development agenda” which will be a furthering of its Agenda 21 aims, such as grabbing national land under the guise of saving the environment, forcing people off their land into tiny apartments in Smart Cities, global gun control and global internet control (the latest of its power grabbing schemes).
