23-28 july (update) I mean june lol

Mario's picture

A past week has gone by and It feels like its only been a day hahaha, theres much I dont understand. But there is something going on for sure, we see it everywhere. My perspectives go from knowing, to a step higher where everyone knows. And life is perceived on a higher level, accelerating time. And once I AM back out, everything is just normal like nothing happend.... But we see clearer, we have more freedom, joy, knowing, whom we are. I had a dream yesterday, there was 3 groups, researching on something, trying to get it done before the other groups, and I perceive lots of writtings and events in my dreams, I even saw to E.Ts and a name came to mind Lumba, one of them was Lumba... I wrote part of the dream after I woke up, thats part of what I could remember in that time. Theres no point in posting it since I did not see all the details once I woke up.... I saw a post on here about 3 engineers on free energy device being murdered and It had me remember once again about the dream, it was far fetch in a way, the E.Ts where shapeshifters and one of them was hunting down the other one, I was trying to protect him, the one Lumba. the hunter had a big head small body, and was morphing in the matrix body of the dream, Lumba had shapeshift into a dog and I was carrying him on my arm, hidding with a group of ppl some young humanoids, in white aprons scientists. Lumba was able to transcend the matrix and help me view trought walls... And see the other E.T. Move in the other room he was getting closer and we decided to go outside, it was nice nature, and some shed with a house and ppl sitting on a picknick table I went to see them, and I dont remember much after some grizzly bear in black showed up not to far away and started cming after us, I jumped on the shed but he collapsed it and its not clear what happened after I see having jumped on his back and holding on his fur around the neck... I woke up lmao. But its the part before that is important before I saw the E.Ts and I was deeper in my dream and it was so vivid, with music and writtings lots of ppl, a place that felt familiar. I remembered sleeping for a whole week back then in the begining of 2012, when I was admitted to a hospital and fed large doses of zyprexa, the time after GRinD, I had extreme dreams, it was the only place I could escape from that reality. In a week I might of stayed up 5hrs max just to eat and go right back to sleep. I remember one thing that happened that I just could not get my head around, in one of my dreams the nazi symbol came in multiple times, and realized two days after once my parents came in to see me and I changed my bed, and we found a drawing of that symbole in the inner sheets, It was some message a knowing like a sign from my angels?? So much revelations in these times its not clear yet. The trip I had taken back then to get to GRinD had me invovled with friends, but everything was... It looked like it was supose to happen, since I woke up in 2011 december time, I had intense realizations back then I even took a trip across the universe back to the universal self and in my body again, I had realized God and since then I knew we have purpose like many are having on earth. Its not as intense than in those times, but this week was different, it haddent been like this in about 6 months. Its almost as if its not supose to happen, but we want it to happen haha. Some kind of ride this planet houff. Anyways I just got an urge to wright about how quick this week past by and it brought to to this haha.


One of those blogs haha.

Peace and light, namaste






toonewewillreturn's picture

for me:

swastika is one of oldest symbols recorded in MANY different areas/cultures,

 I see it as the simplest representation of a 'portal'

 a 'portal' has many uses, definitions, interpretations, etc...

safe travels ; )) and so much love to you, mario!!!

thank you for the blogs!

Thank you!!

Mario's picture

Haha i had not seen your post lolol, I had remembered and started posting what is under, after I went to sleep, but I could not?? And I came here and saw I wrote July!!! So I was like woow I'm way off!! And then I realised I must of been a sign of your post that I had miss.


Many blessing, and safe travels to you to,

Love and light