the ancient covenant = the illuminati bloodlines.
all surrounding knowledge of what is.
how to go about living life. part of it does include war, famine, unbridled greed , over medicating, and fueling the psycholoigcal addiction to having to take medication period.
flouride in the water supply, nuclear facilities, all threats towards humanity basically.
it includes the entire system itself, for each nation = specific guidelines on what to do.
this includes religion as well, also includes all top secret projects, and all projects that have been
declassified. a part of the knowledge that is applied is problem reaction solution as well.
you can see this working in all aspects of every society on the planet, which includes the cultures,
the races, and race wars. this also includes all knowledge regarding all consequences for all actions.
and the earth changes taking place here now which have been taking place since creation created all
through its own awareness of itself. the problem reaction solution in one detailed way of explaining it,
includes the welfare state and single mothers. gays, bisexuals, and those who get sex changes. it also includes
pornography as well. overeating, overindulgence, basically the lacking of self discpline. you can also see it
in the music industry, on television, newspapers, magazines, artwork, the symbols that are used in companies.
even in names. Birth dates, social security numbers , which are equal to what was done in germany with the tattooing
of numbers on the jews in the concentration camps. only this time, its been done a lot slower, its called
the totalitarian tip toe. because they know exactly what theyre doing, even if you dont have a clue.
however, the razors edge in this is that the earth , love itself, which is everywhere present, supports these actions.
and this once again, are aware of it. the influence of our universal brothers and sisters or family, who have eyes
watching the planetary energies taking place here and now. those who are known as the illuminati, are aware of this
and work diligently with them, on a conscious basis obviously. this has been being done for millenias of time reheart you.
all of this is also known as the great work. with all this is the understanding that the great awakening is taking
place on the planet, and with this awareness is also the go ahead for them to keep doing what theyre doing BECAUSE
what theyre doing is bringing up all thats ever been ignored. the ignorance is innocent actually, its a gift from god
its what brings us our suffering which is a teacher, depression is included in that suffering, so are suicidal thoughts
anger and all other emotions that have been willfully ignored, which again isnt anyones fault, it was the will of god that
all this happens. this includes ones forgetfullness. and also includes the realization that one has forgotten, and in that
forgetfullness is the awareness of whats been integrated within the being. the resonation of what is and is not the truth
and an irreversable acknowledge that takes places effortlessly within the chosen beings who are to be present and not die
during these times. there are many names for this overall experience. the great fire, the cleansing, the ascension,
the upliftment, the great awakening , the patience sufferance that leads to liberation of the soul, and the "silent"
evolution of the soul, which isnt actually silent at all, but only appears to be silent to those who are chosen to not
currently, and or not at all, be aware of whats actualy going on.
it can also be called the divine plan, gods work, gods will, working with gods will, the dropping of ones personal will,
working with the inevitable. it can also be called the experience of being present within the eternal evolutionary spiral
that is existence everywhere present. NOw not to get side tracked but, nature loves courage. and asking questions is natural.
we do deal with ignorance after all, not knowing jack shit at times, so asking questions is a simultaneous experience as
simply just being present within what you are going through, so enjoy that, we do have instincts for a reason, trust them
with all your heart, dont be stupid and ignore them unless youre thrusted into the experience of not knowing what is
your instinct, and what isnt, when that happens, my suggestion is dont make ANY decisions unless you absolutely HAVE to.
Wow! you are truly amazing. I'm going to read your blog again...I can't seem to soak in all the information available fast enough. I feel a sense of panic about it sometimes. I was so unaware on the surface for 40 yrs.
Now as it all comes to a close I feel I'm spinning In circles grasping at the Truth's I have long resonated with on an energetic, intuitive level. I so desperately long to surround myself with like minded people.
It is draining with a derailment affect to be in a relationship that requires
Ego's presence. And to have three still innocent Indigo children completely at the mercy of my ability to move through my fear and perceive the path when it is presented.
thank you. the only
thank you. the only information youre going to get in the here now is that which is currently dawning in your awareness, all else youll get as you go, but never all at the same time. with the spinning in circles trying to grasp the truth that you resonate with, thats you identifying with the egomind as iti s. yes you are aware of your bodys resonation with truth, but whilst we still deal with the conditioned egomind control construct within us, you will still have to deal with the disorientation that comes from it being dissolved, among other potential symptoms that may or may not happen for you so i wont mention them. youll overcome the draining feelings. i dont buy the whole indigo /crystal children prophecy at all.