In response to popular demand, it is time to formally make a bridge between the worlds of science and spirit. How do they interact with one another? What evidence is there to support spiritual concepts and philosophies? The truth is, there is so much scientific evidence out there that you could fill an Encyclopedia. In this article, we will look at three of the most important spiritual topics that science helps us understand.
Before we look at them, it’s important to remember that science is just one way to measure natural phenomenon. Because it studies the natural world (and not things which are beyond nature), there are some topics which are simply inaccessible using the scientific method. But even following the rigidity of the scientific method, we can still see an overwhelming amount of evidence that gives credence to spiritual concepts people have been teaching for thousands of years.
Spirit is consciousness. Science is the measure and study of the natural world. When you begin to see how consciousness mingles with physical reality (or how spirit interacts with science), a world of total magic opens up.
Let’s take a look.