Who and what are you? When you talk about “yourself”, who are you really talking about? The mind-identified self that daydreams and thinks all day? The body-identified self that associates itself as being this flesh blog vehicle?
We live our lives as these thinking bodies that travel through space, and sometimes don’t step to question what this “I” really is. We react, we speak, we do what we need to do, all as a mind-body. We get so comfortable with how it feels to be a mind-body that we forget about a 3rd aspect of our being. The soul. The soul is not separate from you. It is not some abstract thing that you have. It’s what you are. But in our society it’s so easy to feel disconnect from our TRUE self (the soul), that we often times mistake it for being the voice of God or a Higher Self that exists in some other plane of existence.
Your Higher Self is actually you, beneath the egoic self that confuses its identity with the thinker and the body. Some people believe the Higher Self to be the part of you that exists in the ether, and this may be true, but wouldn’t the soul exist within the ether as well? After all, it’s non-physical and most exist on some level of reality.