~3 stages of the age of evolution~

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 ~3 stages of the age of evolution~

~Love Reporter Arnie Arnold ~




The below have no defined timeline start or finish each faze will be defined by the whole. Whether it is extreme or mild change.


The Quickening


Great global change is starting to happen, it is a period of evolution and a shift where all things that are based on lies deceit and greed will fall away, be revealed changed or made redundant. It all happens very quickly a mass of information truth and lies are uncovered in grand sweeps. No one will be able to stand up and lie or keep face. These times are when actions are made with out thinking impulsive reactions on both sides of the hierarchal spectrum in all aspects of cultures.

 We must not mistrust what is happening to us on a micro and macro level you must deal with these things in your life perspective and change or be left to wallow and suffer in your beliefs. You are what you sew.

Souls who have done work on them selves will find the transition easier this does not discriminate everyone from the wealthy and the meek. It includes all religions and beliefs this is defined by your soul and heart what you give you shall receive.


Extreme Change – destruction – revolution – great inner conflict and outer conflict. – Strength for change and standing up for what you believe.






A time after the quickening conflict discussions and debates mass reshaping of human structures, trade, banking dealings and the market place are all changed reshaping or morphing. Old empires are no more money power moves things are devalued and new thing made valuable. People are standing fighting up for there rights some will die others will soon flourish. Long standing systems are not in motion people are not use to the system not working. Their family’s and community values will shift dramatically. Some cultures will perish some will be forced to move or spring up around the world a mass planting of cultures will eventually rise. A time of healing from the hurt of the past a spring of hope is near the future is defined with our hopes and inspirations for generation to follow. On personal levels peoples evolution will be great their relationship will be more powerful a unity of agreement or division of sides with strength of belief. Pain and suffering and the joy of letting go of it. People having new understanding and agreement with their lives. The past is either resolved patched or left behind.


Resolution peaceful or defined, anger, resentment, action, affirmations, disillusionment, empowering, action, war resentment in motion.







The dust is starting to settle on life change has happened now is the time to make the world in your vision.

A great period of time starting to flourish people is positive about the future. People invest their time in thing that we will all benefit from. Change and future looks bright. Always happens at different times and stages around the globe. Lots of change will happen in tandem on this small planet as we are more connected.

Usually a period in history where culture is being defined, expressed discovered, science art and humanities are in motion. Romantic notions of the future distinguished. Times are marked and recorded in history and will be remembered for many years ahead.

Technology and awareness is changing how we do everything. Scars of the past are vanishing. Reality will be more in harmony with how the people want to live on the earth self realised and free. Fighting for what they believe is paramount. Food and water will be the major focus of this new paradigm nutrition will be feeding the souls of the enlightened and man made food will be poisoning the minds and bodies of the weak uneducated.

Change is reshaping the planet things are being dealt with things are being made good by human agreement and goodwill for the future of the planet.  There is always going to be conflict wherever there is change.

On a personal level all souls will rejoice in their realities and will be defined the whole change is put in place others will be resentful of a past lost trying to relive times gone. Living into the reality time of great new possibilities hope love and balance due to the horrors of the past the pain will be remembered and mourned light will shine for people the struggle for harmony will continue for centuries. 


Evolved, growth, light , Great thinkers and movers will shape the world , distinguished souls, , leadership, inspiration, hope, nurture and nature florish.
