3 Steps to Healing Any Relationship

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3 Steps to Healing Any Relationship

By Nanice Ellis

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Do you have a relationship that you would like to heal?

I want to share my secret for healing any relationship. I offer this advice as a seasoned relationship coach and someone who has personally healed her own relationships. The best part about this 3-step process is that you do it on your own. You do not need the other person to actively participate. It is all you.

In order to heal any relationship it is first important to understand the dynamics behind relationship issues. Relationship issues don’t occur because two people are different or they do not agree. People do not need to agree, or be similar, in order to get along great. Issues occur because one or both people are practicing judgment. It is judgment that causes all the issues in relationships. Without judgment, relationships thrive and when you release judgment, relationships heal.
