“May be you are searching in the branches, for what appears only in the roots” – Rumi
The most instinctual of all chakras, the root chakra or Muladhara is your survival center. It is the foundation of our existence, power house, keeper of past memories and the controller of life force. Your fight-or-flight response is initiated from this chakra.
Muladhara Chakra is associated with the element earth, representing physical and emotional grounding. The biggest malady we face is the uprooted, egocentric attitude in life, and the primary cause for this is an unbalanced ‘root chakra’.
If you are feeling depressed, insecure, self-centered, violent, constipated, pain in lower back and exhausted, then it shows that your root chakra is out of balance. A balanced root chakra is necessary to feel self-confident, more grounded, centered and calm.