40 Little Decisions That Will Deeply Enrich Your Life

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It’s a blistering 30 degrees outside, Michael is walking down the street in shorts and a T-shirt. Many drive past, curiously looking at him. But one family turns the car around. With that little decision, everyone’s life is turned upside down.

It’s the inspiring story behind the movie The Blind Side. Not only is Michael Oher’s life transformed into an NFL star and Superbowl champ, but the entire Tuohy family is blessed beyond anything imaginable.

Our culture is captured by the epic, grandiose, and monumental. “Go hard or go home” is the mantra for success. We stand in awe of Goliath and pay no attention to young David.

Indeed we forget that little decisions have profound effects. As stones took down a giant, here are 40 little decisions we can make today to deeply enrich our lives:

1. To keep up with yourself, not with the Joneses.

2. Letting compassion speak louder than criticism.

3. Saying “Oh well!” more than “What if?”

4. Keeping an eye out for serendipity.

5. Listening to intuition, not just logic.
