For those of us who find ourselves traveling on a spiritual path, it can be very common to experience a few “growing pains” on our journey. Things which hurt beyond belief, but which always result in more clarity, wisdom, and a deeper perspective. Identifying these common struggles of the spiritual path can be helpful. It makes us realize we are not alone, and that there are certain archetypal energies that all people on a spiritual path end up encountering.
If you are experiencing some of these struggles, have faith. The change you are experiencing is occurring because you are becoming a more authentic and connected person. The pain you feel is just a temporary catalyst that will propel you into your new self.
As you change, it’s natural to grieve the loss of aspects of your former self. Don’t be attached to your old identity in your mind. The key to deal with growing pains on the path to spiritual ascension is to accept the flow as life and to work with reality, not against it.