We rarely genuinely want the relationship to end, wanting more for the way it is to come to an end. Here are some easy-to-miss opportunities to patch things up:
1. Focus on Listening - you’ve feel like you’ve heard it a million times, yet here it is again. It’s time to Listen. Actively. Listen so intently that you actually draw out the Spirit of what is being communicated. Recognize from where your partner is speaking and be ready to reassure and calm your partner. Slow down your words and increase their effectiveness.
2. Be forthcoming and vulnerable - bring your feelings to the table. Be the crystal-clear narrator for the part of you that is experiencing the feelings. We often neglect to share our own frustrations for fear of being seen as less perfect, but strength in the moment of truth feels like vulnerability. Temper your words with care and love so that they may be received as your peace, not as an attack.