5 Steps to Help You Live in the Present Moment

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HJ: Life happens in the present moment and the present moment is where you will find peace, happiness, joy and contentment.  Living in the past or the future creates frustration, regret and unhappiness as we ignore the abundance and beauty of what we already have.  Being past or future focused keeps us trapped in wishing and wanting instead of having and being.

The present moment brings gratitude and liberation — freedom and tranquility.  It forces us to let go of expectations and appreciate things for what they are.  Most of us are so used to living in the past and future that it takes a little practice to get centered in the present moment, but once you do, it becomes easier and easier until it becomes your permanent state, at which point you are very much closer to that state of enlightenment that we are all driven to seek.

Below you will find a powerful technique, broken up into 5 steps that will help you achieve just that — a life lived in the present moment.

- Truth
