5 Things to Do and not to Do with Mercury Retrograde

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Mercury Retrograde Wisdom

5 Things to Do and not to Do with Mercury Retrograde




Experiencing Mercury Retrograde, we can feel irritated by delays, distractions and miscommunications. Mercury rules contracts, communication, education, thinking, perception, data, transportation. Mercury governs all forms of media, such as publishing, broadcasting, podcasting, radio and TV. His is a large domain and/or kingdom. For instance, computers and cars can act up during Mercury Retrograde.

 Do you remember Murphy’s Law? “What can go wrong, will go wrong.”

 Mercury is the Magician card in the Tarot. He holds the power to transform base metals into gold. Even Mercury Retrograde has its benefits, advantages and carries with it the opportunity to make brilliant breakthroughs. However, we are well advised to follow these simple steps. In other words, we can use Mercury Retrograde for our gain. Timing is everything!


Five Things to Do with Mercury Retrograde:

1) Mercury retrograde is excellent for doing our homework, such as research work, re-strategizing, re-working projects, writing and working behind the scenes.

2) It is brilliant for re-connecting with old friends, lovers and colleagues.

3) This is a great time to back up all your records and important data on your computer.

4) It is an opportunity to rethink, redo, revisit, reconnect, rewrite, rebuild, reevaluate, reconsider, review, revise, research, and repair multiple situations.

5) Do keep your sense of humor. Mercury is a trickster. He loves to play hide and seek. Yes, the Gods, the planets (archetypes) do have a sense of humor. Lost items can be rediscovered, while keys, wallets, documents, and other important items can go missing…


Five Things not to Do with Mercury Retrograde:

1) Do not get married. Marriage is a sacred contract and if you desire a long-term relationship. Marrying under Mercury Retrograde can imply divorce or separation in the future.

2) Do not take a new job. If you have been out of work and do not mind changing your job later on, go ahead. Otherwise, it is best to wait until Mercury is direct.

3) Do not launch a new product, web site, business or construction project. This is not the time as too much is hidden from view and will be revealed later.

4) Do not purchase a new car or a new computer. Mercury rules cars and computers, thus it is notorious for buying a lemon under his retrograde influences.

5) Do not form a new business partnership. In fact, Mercury Retrograde rules liars, thieves and betrayers. It is wise to take a wait and see approach.

Mechanical items have a tendency to breakdown more than usual, especially Mercurial ruled areas: travel, communication, speaking, writing, listening, mail, community relations, and “business as usual.”

When Mercury is retrograde, we are well advised to delay signing contracts, getting married or launching construction projects. Unless you do not mind revising, redoing it later and are not attached to outcome. Any new job taken, personal or business partnership formed under Mercury retrograde will change in the future. If you do not mind temporary work, or a short-term partnership, then go ahead, and merge.

The best strategy for riding the wave and navigating the Mercury Retrograde cycle is to keep a sense of humor! Be patient and double-check everything. When shopping keep your receipts, you may be returning or exchanging your purchases. Stay awake and be alert to your environment, especially while driving. The most precarious Mercury Retrograde days are the day he turns retrograde and the day he turns direct. I always like to give Mercury a day or two after he turns direct before taking action.

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano




Mecury Retrograde

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I did not see the dates for the retrograde can you please provide those.

Thank you!

Weighing Intent - Decisions

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This may sound quite rambly but maybe it will help others if in a similar situation right now:


I actually did have to sign a mortgage modification contract today or lose my house. I also know the bankers are falling, so it was my intent to keep my home base for now and is a ''stress reliever' for me, just tired of fighting the insanity the old way - too much already. The stress relief of my choice made the path more open to allow ease of light coming in that will help with larger financial wrongs for all. 


Being a meticulous researcher and knowing what's going on with these OLD mortgage companies I stressed A LOT before signing believe me, asking myself > Is it right?  I know they're part of the system? Am I a traitor? I know what they've done is illegal, but I can't find a lawyer to call baclk & don't have any more $ or energy to throw away; but should I just keep fighting, suck up the stress one more time?


'Sign ithe contract' knowing it only means something in the old system and it's now going away?  So  THAT was the path of least resistance I chose, for me and our new energy.


I KNOW our intent can alter things and I would also like to ask for anyone else to send light around ALL mortgage wrongs and situations - that all is here NOW for the good for everyone.  Obvioulsy by the looks of banks, libor and much more, THAT has been working quite delightfully and powerfully!

Oh and the documents came to a total of 13 pages on Friday the 13th so I'm intending that it's all GOOD ;o)


Thank you for allowing my ramble, thnak you for your light energy, and Namaste' to you all.


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Since Mercury Retrogrades are about reworking existing projects, contracts and relationships, signing a modification on an existing loan is completely appropriate.  As is taking on new work with former colleagues or at a former company that you worked for.  This article was good, but not really complete. 


PS I understand exactly what you're going thru though past trying to modify.  In litigation and now mediation.  Many positive signs throughout the process and really no longer concerned with the outcome, just trusting in the unfolding.  It can be tough being aware and awake having to deal with such lower vibe things but I think some of us signed on to be part of this Truth movement.  It has woken many people up.  Surrendering to the process doesn't mean lay down and let someone use fake documents with illegal signatures to steal your home.  It means trusting that love, light, truth, peace, and justice will prevail no matter what path you choose.  In the case of our physical homes, some of us resonate so much with the energy of where we are, the earth space, and we know that is exactly where we're supposed to be at this time, but some of us may feel it's time to move on and relocate elsewhere.  It's a soul choice, and a great dis-service for anyone in the lightworker community to be quick to judge those who have chosen to go up against some of these dark banking cabal and call them on their $hit.  It is these very cases that have helped cast the Light on the extent of fraud and corruption that is behind the fractal banking system. 

The Truth movement is growing every day - exponentially. 

not sure if funny or not

toonewewillreturn's picture

my cousin is getting married tomorrow and my sister is trying to buy a new car this weekend.  Both are still in "deep sleep" mode.  My "wide awake" mom and I both replied:  ..."uh-oh hahaha"  Best of luck my friends ;)

Hmmm......Are you sure it

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Hmmm......Are you sure it hasn't already started today....being Friday the 13rh? Lol. Today's experience has been out of the usual natural flow....more strenuous and chaotic. Also, everyone I ran into today commented on it being a bad day for them. Like one person told me they had everything break or broken into. I


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mercury retro, to me, is God thinking about stuff & getting back to us when She's made a decision.