5 Ways To Live Life To The Fullest

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I’ve noticed the older I get, the faster the days, months and years seem to fly by. It all seems like a blur! So I’ve been thinking about ways to slow down my days and make each one fuller, and this is what I’ve come up with.

1. Take back your mornings.

Wake, coffee, work, home, sleep. Sound like a typical routine? Step one to slowing down my life was to take back my morning. I wake, I have coffee, I eat breakfast, I read a bit, I do a bit of yoga and meditation, and then I start my day. Do I wake earlier? Yes. But there’s something so nice about being up a couple hours before everyone else.

2. Be fully present.

Wherever you are, be there! Even if it’s somewhere unpleasant like the dentist’s office or stuck in traffic. The moment you’re in belongs to you, so live in it.
