~The Consciousness of Quetzalcoatl~
Without truth, trust cannot resonate. And it is so.
The art of Forward Movement & the 5th Day,
31st July to 17th August 2011
Let’s dance to the song of life. Calling all spiritual warriors of Creation's sacred will, it is time to get out of the shadow.
The 9th Level of the Mayan calendar’s consciousness is known as the Universal Wave http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/mayan.html and has arrived at the 9th of 13X18 day cycles, the creation of forward movement, from the 31st July to 17th August 2011. The symbolic bird is the Turkey.
Of the 13 cycles of the Universal Wave, cycle nine is the brightest period of light manifesting (Quetzalcoatl – God of Light – Christ consciousness) and in the plants life it is when the chemicals are produced that carry information for the buds to form. In this period
was when art was invented, the message of Jesus moved over Earth, Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and America with the victory of WW1 rose to world power.
What will rise up through our consciousness are all those things we have unconsciously not dealt with. So ignorance is not bliss. Through these times, if we deal with what bothers our conscience, by consciously confronting our truth about any given situation,
we will heal our lives. Sometimes we are not always right. It could be time to be humble.
The 13 day Trecena we are brought into the 5th day with, is the Dog (Oc), guiding light of
family and home. This wave crests on the 4th, 5th and 6th of Aug, the Dog is our loyal and
trusted guide. Then we are to start 1-Night (Akbal) on the 12th Aug, recreated unity and
dampened worldly ambition, this crests into the 5th Night on the 18th Aug which is a time
of further possibile intense challenges ultimately manifesting the Divine plan of
Universal Oneness. The time will be good for breathing in the hearts truth with sacred
awareness in action. Gather with those of like mind. Shining the Global Mind from
Global Heart and connecting this with the Universal Heart of Unconditional Love.
The universal wave is a wave of energy on a spiritual plane, on the physical plane it is
symbolic of a wave in the ocean, seen manifest through water. If you look closer you will
notice that the ocean provides us with a clue. Mother Earth’s ocean waves come in
different sizes and in sets. So when a wave of energy forms it comes in a small wave then
the next wave maybe a bit smaller and the next slightly bigger and then the next even
bigger and all of a sudden a set of waves will come through. Surfers know this. None the
less the waves are all unique. As the waves crest they need to be at there strength so as to
form the wave. Its proximity to the oceans bed or floor, as it comes closer to the coast,
allows the wave to form, cresting and rolling over to completion. So all this can be
related to the Mayan calendar waves which work with the number 13 as a process from 1
to 13, of various sized cycles. We planted the seed in March/April… read article…
The 9th cycle is just after the crest of the wave when forward movement pushes the
energy forward to its ultimate completion. On the last 8th level the 9th cycle was 20 x
larger being 360 days and was in the year 2007. On the 9th level it is 20 times smaller and
only 18 days running through the first half of August 2011. On the 7th level it was
roughly 19 years in length from roughly 1912 to 1932. On the 6th level it was roughly the
first 400 years after the birth of Christ when Christ Consciousness was first Spread
through the message of Jesus.
The Divine frequency of consciousness is resonating through humanity so as for us to see where we are headed and we are constantly changing the direction to follow the road of our heart. The road of the heart is the Divine road that has no ending or beginning because it connects with the void of Great Mystery. We do not need to work it out, because it just is. Our heart knows this but our mind doubts this.
Like a crystal we all have flaws. If you see the flaws in someone else, that flaw is in you. Through being unconscious we are caught up in our own world because we might think that everything is separate from ourselves and thus we tend not to care. Thus we consciously don't hold hope for the way the world is seemingly at war with itself. The truth is that if we were to wake up to the fact that we all equally hold an important role as the keepers of Earth then things can change for yourself and for ourselves. Mother Earth does not conscern herself as she knows she is living according to the divine plan of
ultimate sacredness manifesting heaven on Earth.
I feel that living with a clear conscience is very important and will help our consciousness resonate with the higher vibrations arriving, which are of infinite pure love
and light that connect to the infinite source at the center of the infinite universe. This time that we are headed for will bring even more revelations because consciousness is becoming transparent. This also means that many will wake up to who they are inside, and see how separate they have treated life. Realizing that we are one with all Creation and everything that is outside of you is not separate. What is outside is within and this has
come to you through your choice. When you are confronted with a challenge you will be
of the understanding that it makes sense to walk through the challenge instead of avoidance, thus making the challenge your alley and gift. If everything becomes your ally then you become one with your surroundings in a more harmonious and balanced way.
It's all coming together that we are so much more than our mind. In fact we have never been our minds. We are that spark of light that comes out of the Great Mystery.
This comes from within our infinite Ancient Heart that is mirrored as the without. The intuition is the key that unlocks the door, leading us from the mind to the heart and the Mayan Tzolkin’s Sacred Count of 260 days is the director to bring us home to that infinite moment of "being" that we are arriving at.
The Mayan calendar describes each day having purpose and everyday is a shift of energy in the matrix of life. Through the feeling body these shifts have been honoured since ancient times and not a day has been lost by the Mayan Day Keepers of Central America. Within this article I have attempted to confront the subconscious where the new evolving growth is arriving from. We are becoming conscious of this new evolution.
Be conscious of your conscience.
Be patient because Creation has her own timing
system. Divine timing is felt when all synchronicity aligns. It is an intuitive feeling and one that our mind has no power over. So when our hearts “will” over powers the mind, we are working with Creation.
We cannot avoid working together to solve the situation of separateness. The perception of chaos is naturally bringing humanity together. Creation shines the light of Oneness when challenges manifest and this brings clarity to understand the road ahead. All this is relative to the earthly consciousness we are seeing now.
Two sides of the same coin, you either believe that there is more to this physical world or you don't. You either are conscious of the shift of the ages or you are not. The consciousness of birth is the mirror to the consciousness of death yet it is not separate. This is the dualistic perception of the 2 sides of the same coin.
If there are people you don't get along with or people you might not like, that means you don't like part of who you are. This is the understanding we are arriving at as consciousness. We are not separate from each other. It is only the mind that cannot understand this; this proves that you are not your mind. We are the spirit of the infinite and ancient heart that has evolved from the very beginning to this point in time through a
process of evolution. The evolution of the ancient hearts consciousness has been a dualistic process of cycles within cycles that has emanated as light essence from the
centre of our sacred universe within, and this has manifest the physical life we live. These
cycles can not be seen but only felt from the intuitive heart space. The Mayan calendar shares an alignment with these sacred cycles and waves of Creations Consciousness.
We are all children learning to become sacredly responsible, we receive a sacred response
from the ethers of Great Mystery once we have learnt how to live life's responsibility sacredly. As the children of Earth we are all learning how to walk sacredly. We are
learning to trust with truth from the heart. Without truth, trust cannot resonate. And it is so. Map of the 9 levels of the Mayan calendars evolution…
I want never gets what it wants. I allow attracts what it needs. And what is needed come
by the law of attraction. “The Secret”
The shift to heart consciousness, our collective consciousness has never before seen such
a radical shift in one year, the year of 2011, the "Great Shift to Heart Consciousness"
Look to the sign that speaks to your ancient heart. I totally trust that where I am is where I am to be, and where I am in this point of this moment is absolutely perfect in its seeming imperfections. I am learning to trust, in so much as, when a door is opened for my heart to walk through, I then surpass my minds limitation. Creations guidance is walking a footprint for us to follow and it is our heart that will see Creations foot prints.
The meaning of sacred is the absolute centre of Creators truth. So when we walk in sacredness we connect with the heart and we do this through the mind and this connect to Great Spirit's unconditional love.
It can be easily changed to walk through and with the mind only. This will ultimately lead to a path of destruction because the mind has not ultimately got our best interest at heart. Generally speaking the consciousness of life is waking up to this fact, that we as consciousness, for the most part are walking a road without the heart. If ever there was a time to see what we are entrained by, it is now. See what your sync rhythm is? Your sync rhythm is your surroundings and what you allow to be in your energy field. This would have an affect on your daily life.
Entrainment can be symbolically seen in this light, when ticking clock’s that are first put close together start off ticking out of sync yet after a short while they all tick in sync. We as humans do this unconsciously, we tick together but sometimes we don’t want to tick with another as we may feel they are not of the heart. That is why when going into nature we feel free spirited because we feel the rhythm of Creation which is in natural divine order if not manipulated by humankind, that is.
As we raise our vibration to align with the universal frequency, we trust that it is ok to allow and surrender. The mind will hold on. The heart will intuitively have no judgement and let go.
Because of greed and lack of ethical direction we are all tangled in many things that we did not choose but unconsciously we have allowed ourselves to be trapped by the collective unconscious. Our vision will remain blurred if we hold on to the past.
Let’s dance to the song of life.
Calling all spiritual warriors of Creation's sacred will, it is time to get out of the shadow.
To articles... http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/articles.html
The day’s energies of cycle nine.
1 2-Monkey(Chuen/Baatz) 31st July 2011, 2 = Creates Reaction, West, Memory & Creativity
2 3-Road(Eb/Eey) 1st August 2011, 3 = Activates, South, Awareness & Protect
3 4-Reed(Ben/Aaj) 2nd August 2011, 4 = Stability, East, Growth & Sustenance
4 5-Jaguar(Ix/Ix-Balam) 3rd August 2011, 5 = Empowers, North, Nurture & Guardian
5 6-Eagle(Men/Tzikin) 4th August 2011, 6-Creates Flow, West, Vision & Confident
6 7-Owl/Vulture(Cib/Ajmaq) 5th August 2011, 7-Reveals, South, Wisdom & Receptiveness
7 8-Earth(Caban/Noj) 6th August 2011, 8 = Harmonizes, East, Movement & Compassion
8 9-Flint(Edznab/Tijax) 7th August 2011, 9 = Creates Forward Movement, North, Reflection & Strength
9 10-Rainstorm(Cauac/Kawoq) 8th August 2011, 10 = Challenge, West, Cleansing & Giving
1 11-Light(Ahau/Jun-Ajpub) 9th August 2011, 11 = Creates Clarity, South, Patience & Expansion
2 12-Alligator(Imix/Imox) 10th August 2011, 12 = Creates Understanding, East, Water & Rejuvenate
3 13-Wind(Ik/Iq) 11th August 2011, 13 = Completes, North, communicate & Change
4 1-Night(Akbal/Aqabal) 12th August 2011, 1 = Initiates, West, Renewal & Resurrection
5 2-Lizard(Kan/Kat) 13th August 2011, 2 = Creates Reaction, South, Harvest & Gifts
6 3-Serpent(Chicchan/Kaan) 14th August 2011, 3 = Activates, East, Equilibrium & Peace
7 4-Death(Cimi/Kame) 15th August 2011, 4 = Stability, North, Transformation & Rebirth
8 5-Deer(Manik/Kiej) 16th August 2011, 5 = Empowers, West, Nature & Spiritual
9 6-Rabbit(Lamat/Qaniel) 17th August 2011, 6-Creates Flow, South, Abundance & Appreciate
By following the sacred grasp of the Mayan calendar you keep connected to the ancient
science of the original plan that allows for one to see why the world is in a place of choas
now... its all part of a plan to allow ourselves to see ourselves and become aware of what
we are doing... the path of destruction needs to become the path of love...
Read about and learn about the 9 levels of the Mayan calendar in this article... email me
with questions if need be.. seanacaul@gmail.com
Dr Carl Johan Calleman’s latest article...
Shelley Ruth Wyndham’s latest article...
Laarkmaa’s latest article...
And more at TREE OF LIFE CELEBRATION... www.treeoflifecelebration.com
And Mayan Majix... www.mayanmajix.com
The divine guiding energies from the center of all centers are here and waiting, they are
excited that we feel them. This is for those that understand.
From this physical body we are all one as the children and keepers of the infinte
Affiliated websites...
With Love...
Sean Caulfield
Universe = Unity in the ONE verse which incompassess everything that we are and live
within, infintely. In all time frames, time lines and dimensions from the seen physical to
the unseen yet fel spiritual dimensions.
❤ Ho’oponopono ❤
• I Love You
• Please forgive me
• I am sorry
• Thank you
Sacred medicine from the ancient heart of love...
It was through my art and this source that I was Divinely guided to the Mayan calendar, I
never forget my roots... the Bushmen... I wrote this article after working in ceremony
with the San/Bushmen for the Conscious Convergence in July 2010 in the Kalahari...