5th February 2016. Mike Quinsey.
Events that will affect your future and be beneficial for you continue to take place, mostly out of your sight. However, there will come a time during the course of this year when you shall learn of the benefits brought about by the changes. It is known that a revaluation of currency is foremost in your minds, and it has taken considerable time to bring countries together in agreement to the changes. There are now sufficient of them for it to brought forward, and there has never been a time when it has achieved such progress. You may therefore be sure that revaluation is in its final stages. Meanwhile more inventions are seeing the light of day, and it is only a matter of time before they start to be released. Be assured that the changes are well under way and too far forward to be halted. Ways of producing free energy have been available for some time and now even more devices are being revealed. Their ultimate use and availability is approaching, but the Illuminati are still trying to prevent their distribution. It will not always remain in this situation as your evolution cannot be held back indefinitely.
Difficult times lie ahead and are inevitable as major changes occur, and commence to alter your way of life from drudgery to one that releases you from it. There are so many changes coming that raise your quality of life to levels that you should have enjoyed by the end of the last century. In what will seem a relatively short time you will have gone ahead in leaps and bounds, until you reach levels that lift you of the old patterns of struggle. The most acceptable and welcome change will be when you are assured of world peace, and the fruits of your labours are used for the benefit of everyone. The biggest gain will be to have sufficient time to follow your own interests, and have the financial means to do so. Life will be become vastly different to what you are presently used to. No longer will Mother Earth be looked upon as a prison planet, and the curfew that you have lived under will in time be lifted. You become free souls and able to follow your own pathway without obstruction.