6 Body Parts Doctors Think are Useless: The Medical System is Severely Flawed

Lia's picture


I read your article with

Reiki Doc's picture

I read your article with interest. I disagree with the author. I take care of people who are sick with ailments like these every day. It is I that has to dodge the swollen tonsils in the operating room while I am placing the endotracheal tube as part of my anesthetic. The basic premise that the author suggests is that we make money by excising unneeded body parts. Although this may have been true thirty or forty years ago, insurance companies are smarter now. Only the sickest of the sick get their surgical procedures approved. I dedicate my life to the healing of the sick, of gentle compassion at the bedside, and the introduction of reiki into the operating suite. If you think I am ignorant I accept this. The only way to bring about change in the medical system is from within. This article is Disinformation with a capital D. Namaste.

Ok Reiki Doc

Lia's picture

We can understand all points of views from this. All Our Love and Thank You for Sharing This aspect of the Truth. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

how about the foreskin ? once

Legalize Freedom's picture

how about the foreskin ? 
once removed no sensitivity can be regained

children scream in pain

they are tortured as their first experience on earth

doctors take a knife to their most delicate pieces

and tear some important ones away 

the penis is meant to be sheathed, not the sheath discarded like trash

the cash made in enforcing lies i don't know

its absurd

but i know every screaming child is dying to be heard

that no means no this much is understandable

what demons psoess people in this land to act almost as cannabals 

indifferent to the cries of the innocent

punishment for our own good

social genocide for hygienes sake

its not okay

circumcision is a rape amongst the innocent

only an informed adult can decide to have this 

and he would never lose his sensitivity

his in built estrogen receptors

and wither his body piece away,

as a yogi know what the pieces are for

the sensitivity is estimated to be 40 TIMES REDUCED THAN AS IT SHOULD BE

there is a male g spot that aacts to create multiple orgasms  beneath the tip, and that is called the frenulum, most circumcised males lose this forever

the result is a shamble , tattered and almost worthless, of what could be

the urethra withers away to be almost entirely glued shut, when once it was wide and dilated properly 

there is so much wrong hear

can any of you bear to see a baby being tortured

then why do we call it a medical procedure

just liek fluoride and the pineal gland

the demons that rule this planet have got to go , better now than tomorrow. 

better in peace than with force

ebut force to them is all they do to us, so godspeed divine intervention. 

useless organs?

toonewewillreturn's picture

I burst my appendix a few years ago, had it removed, quite painful.

Curious what I might have lost?

useless organs?

toonewewillreturn's picture

I burst my appendix a few years ago, had it removed, quite painful.

Curious what I might have lost?