The 6 Things You Shouldn’t Expect From Other People

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It’s tough not to be disappointed with people sometimes. We’re taught to be so reliant on others for our own lives that when they fall short of our expectations, we end up being pretty unhappy about it. But maybe it’s time to rethink what our expectations are.

Don’t expect people to fit a mold that you’ve made for them.

People are independent. They are who they are, completely independent of the people around them, and that includes you. If someone doesn’t do what you want them to, that’s more your problem than theirs in most cases. So embrace people for who they are. Help them if they need it, but let them be themselves.

Don’t rely on other people for your own well-being.

Look, I know it’s hard, especially when you’re in a relationship with someone, but you need to have a life set up for yourself where you can get by just fine without anyone else helping you along, be it functionally or personally. At the end of the day, you’re the boss of you, and you should rely on yourself for happiness.
