7-20-12 Bill Ballard ~ False Flag Events Designed by the Illuminati ~ More Will Be Coming

Lia's picture

There was a False Flag Event last night at the new Batman Movie. This was a planned event and one of many soon to come with the Illuminati trying to project more fear and chaos. This one was leading the way to the UN treaty banning citizens rights to possess weapons which Obama will be signing next week. More False Flag events will come surely with the next being at the London Olympics. Lightworkers and Light Warriors need to understand they are both working for the Light and come together addressing these issues. Remember Your Thought Creates Your Reality. We do this individually as well as within the Collective of Humanity. Dont let fear change your focus! Be LOVE!


Thanks Bill..I LOVE YOU

Doreen Smith's picture

Thanks Bill..I LOVE YOU BROTHER! I'm thankful for your fearlessness! I will not be afraid..I will trust God, The Company of Heaven and our Galactic Family to have all matters under control..After all, Nothing is hidden from God...God knows everything and everyone..God IS IN CONTROL!..We MUST have no FEAR..No one can come against Divine Decree..LOVE WINS! I FEEL LIGHT AND LOVE from every LIGHTWORKER AND LIGHT WARRIOR..Sending and receiving much Peace, Joy, Light and Love for ALL! NOW! : ) <3

We thought the same thing

Clarissalynn's picture

My husband and I said the same thing but have not facts upon which to back it up.  Sometimes intuition is inconvenient.  Do you have any hard facts to back this up?  Having lost a daughter to murder by gunshot 6 years ago, I know first hand what the grief is going on and will continue for these people.  Hopefully all will send love and compassion to these individuals, and they will be able to come to forgive the shooter. Warmly, C


Lia's picture

Yes, we have no hard facts, bbut whatever it is, we Should just send Lots of Love!!! For this Situation. Clarissa, what an event that ust have been with Your daughter and it sounds as if You have managed to rise above and find Foregiveness, Love and Peace. You are a Wonderful Example. Thank You Love! Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Thank You bill, very

Guest's picture

Thank You bill, very informative yes these false flags is a fear tactic and we must continue on our way to ascension. giving them NO NEGATIVE ENERGY to keep them going the Light always wins.


Love & Light!