7-3-13 Bill Ballard ~ Integration of Light Being and Angelic Self ~ Holding Paradise Energies

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Published on Jul 3, 2013

were brought home to this being, and karmic contracts were voided to become truly sovereign again, I went through another initiation process integrating those higher parts of me.

Many of us are going through this process right now as I see so many talking about their experiences. It brings so much JOY as that means the Duality Experiment IS TRULY OVER! IT IS DONE! Finished and completed!

Now we are integrating the New Earth Energies, the Energies of Paradise, of the Mansion Worlds of this Galaxy. Those new frequencies each of us are channeling into Mother Earth ARE the Coordinates of where Earth (and our local universe) will re position itself through the Anterion Stargate, the Middle Star of Orion's Belt and in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.... WE COLLECTIVELY ARE THE COORDINATES OF THE OTHER END OF THAT WORMHOLE GENERATED BY THE PLANETARY MERKABA WHICH WILL BE IN THE STARS AS SEEN IN THE ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS OF 7/29/13! Do ya realize how BIG THIS IS??? Haha!

My message is to stay completely focused on holding those frequencies from now until that time. I see so many others who have also stepped through this doorway and have integrated their higher selves into their physical bodies, which is keys to the coordinates of where Mother Earth is going!

This is what we have always waited for, for millions of years... Here and NOW!

With Such Expanded LOVE for ALL THAT IS!

Bill Ballard
