7 Steps to Being Zen in the Office

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It’s simple enough to think about being zen in the city; easy enough to imagine how calm and relaxed you could be in your 9 to 5 job and lifestyle, floating around the office like a monk and effortlessly accomplishing your goals while spreading peace of mind, but doing it, as always, is quite a different story. 5 minutes in any high-stress situation and most, if not all of the buddhist tenets we profess to hold go right out the window.

And that’s okay. It’s actually why the office is one of the very best places to put our practice to the test. Modern life is so hectic it would surely challenge even some of the greatest masters. The continual demands that are placed on us beg the proper discernment that zen can bring, if only we can stay centred enough to remain there. One of the surest ways of accomplishing this is building our ‘presence power’ in the moments that aren’t too challenging
