Blessings to all! We are the Ascended Masters! As always we have much to discuss with you all. Much has taken place that is to make sure your space families arrive before your biggest shift in energy! Obviously you have all been going through shift after shift upwards, but in your calender month November all is to come to a head. By this time you can be assured that any remaining vestiges of dark will have been wiped away, but know that this can only occur if you all forgive the dark for their heinous crimes. Forgiveness will be the way in these times, once the exposures fully begin. You could all see the exposure of the dark hats as a lesson in compassion. Indeed, if you could look into the eyes of those souls who have hurt you and your planet and caused so much destruction and still be able to forgive them and show them Love, you will have grown into your Mastery more than you can currently comprehend. As many of you notice, the third dimensional lessons you are curently learning are precursors to the bigger lessons you are to learn in the higher dimensions. Everything is a precursor to something bigger, every experience you have, every moment of Joy you experience, is all heightened in the higher realms. Many of you have begun to notice a sense of heightened emotion in yourselves, this has to do with your return to the higher realms where everything is intensified.
We Love you all more than you can possibly fathom at this moment, and when you have the perspective we do you will understand why. Here in the heavenly realms, Love just IS. Love is not felt through terms or conditions, it is felt at all times for all reasons. We have of course said this many times, but Love is EVERYTHING. There truly never has been anything else but Love, and this is a truth that you will soon discover. Some people are so ‘in the dark’ that they wonder if they have souls, and this inquiry vexes us. We say this because everything is ‘soul’, as everything is consciousness! The lives you experience daily could not be without consciousness, as conscousness is what gives every dimension its life force! It boggles us how so many have dropped so low in vibration as to where they think soul can’t even exist, what would your reality be without soul, without consciousness? It would be nothing, empty. This is why your bodies cease to functon after your consciousness leaves it, as without consciousness there is nothing, and so it has always been!
Many of your dark hats have attempted to clone others for the purposes of not having to face the people, but these clones are nothing if a soul does not impart into them, even what you would call technology both has and is consicousness. At present the technology you deal with is of a much lower nature, when you all discover the new technology soon to be at your doorsteps you will realize the power of consciousness. The technology we and your space family posess is actively involved in any project it is used for. It is not like your techonology, which only has a few purposes and works quietly, doing what it is told. Rather our techonlogy is an active member of all we do, we impart it with our own Love and consciousness and it has a say-so in every activity it is used for. If any on Earth tried to use this advanced technology for any heinous puroposes, it would simply shut down and not let itself be used. This technology is consciousness, and like you has feelings and emotions and being at the level it’s at, would refuse to take place in any dark deeds. Many of you would think us crazy, talking about our technology as if it were ourselves, but this is the level of understanding and compassion you are heading to. You will soon understand, and once you advance you will find even the Life of a piece of dirt no less valuble than your own.
It hurts us to see humanity treat so many advanced lifeforms with such little respect, in the heavenly dimensions we really can’t even fathom why you would eat the flesh of another. Those on the ground that we speak with have very many reasons and justifications for doing so, we say that the Life of an any soul on Earth, cut short for the purposes of ‘good taste’ shouldn’t be justified. However, we watch this all play out as it is a part of your freewill experience in the lower dimensions. We do however wish to remind you that every soul is connected, and you actually play a big part in the Life of the animal that you may ingest. When your space family are with you, many of these problems will be no more, and with this we come back to the subject of our technology. As some are already aware of, we have technology that can genetically manufacture whatever is needed. Once in the posession of this techonlogy, one could engineer any kind of food they wish, with the exact taste of what one is used to but without the previous ways of bringing said food into being. Many would be uncomfortable with the idea of genetically engineered or modified foods, we guide you that with our technology anything that is created will be of the utmost safety. The dark has taken many of our miracle works, and perverted them. Genetic engineering is just one of these perverted activites. In Atlantean times there were very many engineers, genetic or otherwise, who started their profession with pure intentions but were unknowingly brought to the dark side by the subtle advice of the Annunaki. Many who were caught up in this have repayed their negative Karma pertaining to such times, but still have a deep sense of sadness and guilt as to what they let themselves be tricked into perpetrating.
In these times of ever changing energy, much will come to the surface for review. We guide every soul to not be afraid, as giving fear to anything will only increase the strength of the low vibrations. Worry and concern are emotions that should not be humored at this time, and deep down you all know whether or not you should fear or be concerned about a situation. To anybody that is in fear in this current moment, please know that you have legions upon legions of Angels at your side at all times, healing your energy patterns and doing everything they can to sustain hapiness and health in yourself. Many fall victim to ‘automatic negative thoughts’, because they seem to think that for whatever reason, at that current moment they need to feel a certain way. We guide that this is a complete illusion. Dear ones fear, worry or concern should never be felt at all, for any reason! Do not let yourselves get caught up in what are clearly the last events of illusion playing themselves out, as if you give your energy to illusion than illusion increases in your perspective tenfold. This is because of the power of creation that you all have! Many lately have been closely monitoring their negative thoughts, and filtering out that which they wish not to create for themsleves. We are so happy to see this occuring, as it means you are all truly rediscovering your powers of creation! We guide to those who are beginning to do this, to focus your thoughts and actions on what you want out of Life. Not what your ego wants (i.e, material possesions) but what YOU want. If you wish for happiness, focus your thoughts and attention only on happiness, and create happiness for those around you as then you will have both the Law of Attraction and the Law of Karma working on your side. There is so much more you can do as well!
We are the Ascended Masters, and we welcome whichever term you on Earth wish to refer to us as. We understand the discomfort some feel with the term Master, but know that this ‘status’ if you will, is what you are all returning to with your ascension! If it makes any feel better, we are not a sole branch of ascended souls who are referred to as Masters. Every soul in Creation that has ever ascended can be called a Master! We send you all our Love, know that when this Love is acknowledged and picked up on, you will be feeling our presence in your Hearts, Minds and all around you!
^^My Blog, where I post all of my channeled messages
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