~Forgiveness and the Sacred Feminine~
Kimberly Jaeger hosts an excellent show called “Living in the NOW” on blogtalk radio, featuring guests with transformational stories and some with amazing gifts to share. I found this episode to be particularly informative. It includes an insightful interview with Lucia René, author of Unplugging the Patriarchy. The two of them delve deeply into the concept of forgiveness, the Sacred Feminine and how it aligns with the overall Ascension of the planet.
The notion that men are from Mars and women are from Venus is one often bantered about with the focus on polarities. Even though the book by John Gray was written with the intention of helping men and women understand each other more, the larger focus has, in general conversation, wound up being on the seeming irreconcilable differences that exist between us. Its one of many false paradigms, in my view, that keeps us ping-ponging back and forth, siding with “us,” fighting against “them”, all the while leaking our true power.
In the growing awareness illuminating the planet today, there’s a rising number of women finding their voices. Coming together to create safe containers for discovering and being their authentic selves, connecting with, what Lucia wonderfully terms “our solar nature” and speaking our truths. Lucia tells a great story about a tribe in Africa in which some of the men were brought to the States to experience life here for a short time.
After spending a while in our hectic world of advanced technologies and excesses, one of the men in response to a reporter asked the question: “Why don’t the women in this country stop the men?” He offered a simple story that explained that, in his country, when the men go out to hunt, it’s the women who pull their coattails, so to speak, and tell them when it’s enough. It’s a simple yet powerful analogy of the subtle power of the feminine. A gentle current that cracks open the heart allowing the light to shine through. For me, someone who was never a “women’s libber” or even very focused on women’s issues, there are powerful implications as I observe the reconciliation of lunar/solar, female/male energy coming into balance. The concept that the differences between us are irreparable, that we can’t come together is fading away as is all illusion. The definition of “power” is being turned on its head and as the Sacred Feminine energy rises within the hearts of women & men, conflict subsides and harmony is achieved.
The barriers to this unification are explored in depth with this interview and Lucia’s unique perspective sheds new light on centuries-old issues of female degradation, our complicit roles in the subjugation of women by men, and the validity of forgiveness. She and Kimberly offer stimulating points to consider on these and other complex issues.
I’ve had the good fortune to participate with groups of powerful women, using our innate, fertile connection to Mother Earth to bring the rain. Several times I’ve observed, with wonder, the effects of our combined, loving focus, the intent of our singing and dancing reverberating through the ether, calling the clouds to give us rain. And rain comes. I’ve shared in forums where women of all backgrounds come together to share perspectives and profound experiences, filling our coffers with love, affirming our knowing, giving us the courage to go and make magic in the world.
The magic we’re learning is who we are. Everyone knows that a mother’s joy is the foundation of a happy family. When this beautiful energy is allowed to be without fear of recrimination, our human family is healed and transformed. We face our shared history with understanding and rejoice in the opportunity we have today. No more are the times of hangings, drownings, and burning at the stake. The Inquisitions are over and we’re completely supported in our new found expression. We have all, men and women, experienced the contrast of imbalanced power. The path to Ascension — cosmic rising from the solar chakra into the heart — is softened as the Sacred Feminine finds its rightful place. Natural laws and cycles have brought us to this place, the end of duality and the rise of our being as One.
It is heartening for me to experience the energy flowing through these teachings and other messages in the abundant flow. Like babes learning how to be in a new world as we make our way together along the path towards Ascension. For me, its really settling in now. My heart is wide open to the reality we’re co-creating. I’m inspired to share as I grow. I hope that you’ll find the information here as informative and uplifting as I have.