8-9-12 Allowing the 8-8-12 Energies to “Soak In“De-Zonkification”

Lia's picture

Kauilapele's Blog

Posted on 2012/08/09

Click to Enlarge… 8-8-12 8:08 Energy Influx


Well, this often happens. And, as many of you who also “follow the Guidance” and work with the planet and Galactics to bring in new energies know, “Zonkification” often occurs. Usually the day after. That’s why I don’t like to “plan” anything for the day after. That’s when “De-Zonkification” takes place.


Last night the heel of my right foot was so pain-filled I could hardly walk. Alternate ice and heat and then a couple of aspirin to reduce any inflammation did not help either. But I did not remember at that moment, that this was very likely a result of the strong influx of Higher Energy that was coming through during the 8-8 8:08 event. Not just through myself, I’m sure, but somehow being at the center of a vortex/portal/gateway expansion is something not everyone had to go through. At least in that way.


Click to enlarge


The summary of the mission actually came before the mission, on the drive over to Volcanoes. You can hear the summary in the first 3-4 minutes of the YouTube video I put up yesterday, here: http://youtu.be/TjYv2i21Do4


So after sleeping 14 hours (with one quick kitty feeding at 6 AM), and a couple hours of wake time, now it feels like the body wants another bit of rest.


AND as of this morning (and now), the heel feels almost no discomfort whatsoever. Imagine that…







Janie's picture

what a great word! At last I ahve a word that describes what I go through with every darned CME and every portal opening. I was majorly zonked the other day; couldn't figure out what it was. This morning, amazingly, I'm fine again. I sometimes forget how these incoming energies zap me so strongly. thanks for this!! 

Thanks for the

barbara Hathaway's picture

Thanks for the Zonkification.  My sinus' have been acting up again, first time in over 6 months! The tiredness is crazy! I'm forcing myself to get orders done.