8 Tools to Help Raise Your Vibration Every Day

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This is perhaps the most simple and effective way to re-wire your thought processes. When you are truly thankful for the little things and the bigger blessings in your life, I mean really appreciate them – from the Heart – then you can’t help but feel good as you go about your day. And this positive thinking gives way to more positive thoughts, speech and action from yourself.

Be Grateful for having a bed to stretch out on and sleep in each night. Appreciate the Abundance of useful technologies in your life as you use them. Do not take warmth and comfort for granted. Be appreciative of all those little luxuries that you DO have without thinking about what you don’t have and without comparing what you have or haven’t got with what others have or haven’t got.

Be Thankful to your friends and family that truly care for you, and try your best to show it in return – who cares if it’s slightly awkward! Feel the appreciation and Express it sincerely. Be glad for your good health. Be grateful for the easy access to things in your life. And then of course, there’s the Law of Attraction to come and join in with the fun too – adding to the cycle!
