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Recognize~ To Reconnect, To remember, To Be Aware that something has been perceived before. To Acknowledge. Example~ Your Awakening Occurs when you Recognize, "WHO YOU TRULY ARE", Love, God, Truth, Brilliant, Shining Lights, and One With All that IS.

Obvious~ Easily Perceived or Understood, Quite Apparent. Example~ The Love We are , is Equal to ALL of You and should Be Obvious, The Love you Truly are Should Be Obvious To ALL of you.

Soul~ The Spiritual Nature of all of Humanity Which is Connected to GOD, all Human Beings, an Energy Field Of Pure Consciousness Energy that Is Always Interacting with Creation. Example~ Each Being on Planet Earth=Heart was Born with the SOUL intact. You had to have a Soul, to Be here on Planet Earth, So this Means Everyone has a SOUL.

BirthRight~ Any Privilege granted by a person by virtue of Just being Born. Humanity's Birthright is FREEDOM. Example~ Your Divine Heritage, and BirthRight is Equality, Abundance, Freedom, Love, and One with ALL.

Grace~ Divine Love and Protection bestowed Freely upon Mankind, the State of Being protected or sanctified by the favor of GOD, AN Excellence or Gift granted and Given FREELY from GOD. Example~ Grace and Gratitude are the Way to your Divinity. Father God and I, have Graced ALL of Humanity, through the Unconditional Love in Our Messages to you. You are ALL Free, however, it is up to you, to Set Your Self Free. The Grace Light entered in July of 08', this Energy was Like Washing off a Chalkboard, completely Clean, this Cleaned off all your karma, if you have some now it is because you put it there.

Sin~ any offense, violation, fault or error, violate a religious law, do wrong. Example~ Your controllers taught you there was sin. This was a lie, so that you would follow their rules and keep you distracted in the past. In Truth and True Reality, there is no such thing as sin, and the past does not exist, you can never be wrong when You are in the Present Moment of Now. That's impossible, because the Present Moment of Now, is Pure Creation, Pure Love. Only in illusion, the game, is there such a thing as a sin.

Gratitude~ An Appreciative Awareness and Thankfulness, Being Thankful for Every Breathing Moment. Example~ To Be in Gratitude, is to Be Thankful for Everything and Everyone, because you are One with all that IS. The More you are in A state of Gratitude the More you draw this Energy to you to experience.

Reclaim~ To turn from Error, to demand the return of, the restoration of, Claim Again. Example~ It is Your responsibility to Reclaim your Power, within the Truth and Light of your Being.

Evident-~Easily recognizable, or perceived, Clear, Obvious, Apparent. Example~ The Real Truth, is SELF EVIDENT.

Phenomenon~ That which is Real to the senses regardless of whether its existence is proved or understood, an observable event. Example- Humanity's Awakening is a Phenomenon.

Truth~ Fact, Actuality, Pure Logic, Reality, Unconditional Love, Real, Accepted as TRUE, Integrity, Honesty, GOD. Example~ We, Your Real Family of Light, were Sworn in from the Highest, To Speak the Highest Truths, and Nothing but the Truth. Truth is Love, Pure Love, and there Exists only One Truth, Love.

Worthy~ Having Worth, Merit, Value, Valuable, Deserving. Example~ You, Humanity, are Worthy of Everything. You are GOLDEN.


Emergence~Emerge~ To Rise Up or Come Forth, come into Sight, to become Evident, or Obvious, Come into Existence, the Process of Emerging. A Phenomena in the Course of Social Evolution. Example~ The Emergence of the "LOVE CALLED GOD EVERYWHERE PRESENT" IS BEING BIRTHED ON PLANET EARTH=HEART, This is Mother Earth's Emergence from out of the darkness, into The Light, and the Reconnection FOR ALL OF CREATION, Once Again.


~The Emergence of Unconditional Love, on Planet Earth=Heart~


The Earth's Destiny is now Being Fulfilled, the Emergence of Un-Conditional Love is being Birthed on the Planet, and as the Love arrives fully, the energy flows through everyone's Hearts, where the Truth of One's being is Alive.

The Brilliant Light from within every HUman Being on the Planet is awaiting to fully be understood, as The Divine Love emerges and Births from inside everyones soul, a fire burning of Truth, which covers every space across everything as it recognizes the oneness of all that IS.

The energy of Pure Unconditional Love is entering into every Heart on the Planet as It is within the Divine Plan to Occur.

The Light is shining Bright, Birthing
on the Planet assisting Mother Earth~MotherGod and Father Sky~FatherGod into their Oneness, which reconnects all into ONE, which includes, all the Inhabitants on Planet Earth=Heart and Beyond. This is the
Birth of a New Day, a New Dawn, A New Beginning that has no end,Heaven on Earth.

The Paradise of the Original Plan for Planet Earth=Heart is unfolding. This Shift is occurring within the Center of all that is, which is LOVE, and ONLY LOVE.

This powerful energy is permeating from the very essence of the Atoms, Your Atoms, Spirit is AWAKENING, Here in the Manifest.... and everything Resonates with this Brilliance of Pure Heart Consciousness.

The Diamonds, and Rainbows provided by our Suns Brilliance is flowing down from the sky as the Land it touches floods in with an energetic magical Light of the Brilliance of Pure UnConditional Love making its presence Known to the Inner Heart of everyone. The Birth of Pure Joy is what it is and when you get there, the JOY will burst forth from the inside of your Being. Can we Get a Yah! Ra!

Love yourselves and Love each other for we are all Equal to each other, We are ONE...Be Love and Say Love!





