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~Healing and the Immaculate Concept ~



~New Direction for our Unified Field Healing Program~

The Immaculate Concept


Stepping out of our deep Silence and the powerful initiations of the July moons, we now realize that we must think in wider terms of Humanity, itself, in regards to our healing service. Doctrines and theologies have fallen to the wayside and we have come to stand at the threshold of the Law of One.  

More than ever, we are being called to engage the Collective Heart through union with the Group Soul and move away from the focus of personal, individualized healing for genuine healing to manifest.

We have been preparing for our shifting focus of Group Soul since the seventies as we sang in the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, yet we have understood very little about the Law of Group and how to express this. It is now imperative to question and be fully aware of our individual actions and how they effect the group, humanity and the planet as one wholly conscious, sentient being.  

In order to move through the upcoming Shift, our civilization is required to adjust itself to Group Soul awareness whereby these actions will gradually anchor our I AM Race consciousness. All aspects of our life are interdependent, and when we consciously embody this expanded expression, all of the Group benefits.  

Holding Group Soul in the Image of Perfection

Attuning to the Immaculate Concept appears to be the ideal way to surrender our focus to the Divine without any thought to the imperfection of our third density bodies, allowing for Grace and instantaneous healing to occur through our commitment to selfless service.  

In our steps forward, we are greatly emphasizing and keeping our focus on where we want to go.  

The most powerful form of healing is to see and acknowledge each other, even financial systems, governments and countries as already healed, whole, loving and at peace. By doing this we connect through the Divine Source within us to all others and move beyond duality and fear, seeing the divine reality that really exists. Hereby, we create a pathway for all to rise into the immaculate concept, naturally.

6 Key Considerations:      

In Group Soul awareness, we hold the following truths regarding the Immaculate Concept:

  • Divine Love knows no opposites. All is one and perfect.
  • Any disease or dissonance exists within the perception of illusion of separateness.
  • Application of the Sacred Fires upon these perceptions is one of the quickest ways to transmute illusions of separateness into Divine Light.
  • Desire and healing requests that foster the illusion of separateness and/or identification of self as separate, only exist in the world of duality.  
  • The set intention of our Group Avatar for all said "healing" is to raise the vibration of the Group Soul.      
  • In Immaculate Concept there is only the perfection of Divine Love, Light and Joy.

To our Light Transmission Team and Grid Transmitters:

As healing transmitters, we are moving beyond third density programming and the detailed techniques that we have so diligently practiced to realize that we are able to move forward as multi-dimensional healers in absolute freedom, spontaneity and Grace. Our transition includes a focus on what is already true, whole and complete, and upon that which is the greater Divine Light, already perfect. We are liberated...and we have become the liberators!

This is the new form of healing and ascension, bringing humanity and the Planet into constant blessing and a focus on that which is already exists in Divine Perfection. This new form is not so much a change in what we do as much as it is a change in our understanding, intention and knowing that this truly changes and effects us powerfully as One Group Soul.  

There is no technique other than the rhythm and constancy of our vision in holding these patterns of wholeness. No longer are we seeing the person as an individual, but as one with our Group Soul, our one body. We are one living organism.    

To all Receivers... those requesting healing individually or on the Shrine:

Through our grid healing program of Immaculate Concept, we will hold you in your highest Divine Potential... seeing and transmitting to you as already healed, whole and complete. As you submit a healing request, you are assisting a core healing for the whole Group Soul and for the planet, allowing a far greater impact than the little "I".

We fully understand that, in our physical reality, the world is filled with those suffering from physical, bodily hurts or diseases and emotional issues. All of this must be purged and released in order to raise the vibration of the whole. As we hold you in the Immaculate Concept of Perfection, your vibration rises above the imperfections allowing the re-qualification of the transfigured electrons. In Light Body, all hurts and disease falls away.

We invite you to join us as we ride the crest of the wave of our collective intention to live the truth of the Immaculate Concept.


I AM the Immaculate Concept and the highest Divine Potential of all life.
