~A Love message from Creator ~
Beloved ones Blessings to you all and live in joy and courage with a heart full of love and a true manifestation of yourselves . The last seal is opening as yourselves are also opening to a new era called You! It is most important to reach your inner kingdom and feel the true Side of your self. Give your soul what truly is looking for in order to understand where is your individual self Is going for in life. Acting upon your true desires, emotions, dreams and concepts, you will be able to follow and listen your inner Self God. Why am I pointing this out? Future events such as change of weather, mayor change of politics, governments and spiritual energies will overwhelm the most sensitive souls. When truly open your soul to truly feel your inner God, you become confident, simple, ego free, merciful, innocent and soul free. I have seen someone coming, the presence of a strong individual who will overpower masses with the word, he will affirm is the Truth. Those with a closed heart will be controlled and overpower by this individual, those deeply connected with the inner God will see through his true essence. Let us build enough compassion to overcome dark times, for what the light of true will arise in Grace! Let us have deep understanding and compassion for this individual, for what he is also a child of Creator. The golden sword will cut the truth out of the false word. Then Creator showed me a sign in the sky, the Red Dragon will fall but not because it didn't serve it's purpose, but because those claiming it's lineage corrupted it's purpose of honor, loyalty, equality, truth and courage. The White Dragon will over take because it is it's time for a new covenant to emerged, old dogmas will be broken, low energies leading to low actions no longer serve this new consciousness arriving. key words: Red Dragon (king Arthur and his lineage until present times) , White Dragon( Europe, Asia allies present times) in the house of the Red Dragon divisions will take place, and new alliances (including powerful and important families will take over "the wild pig animal totem is the crest of one of these families) As few already feel and know, religion will come to end, chains will be broken the same as hearts. But better have a broken heart by truth, than have a comforted heart by false words. Minds, hearts will feel confused by a broken dogma, but think of it as a child learning new things in the way. When you bump and fall, it hurts but you also get up by yourself and makes you stronger. What is coming is similar but brutally stronger to face for those still blind by false programming that leads at the end to emptiness of your soul, and therefore to the illusion to believe you need more, you are not enough, you must be perfect, you are not loved enough..... You are perfect as you are, you are truly enough, there is no need to prove anything outside yourselves but the only challenge to dare take responsibility is your call. Be prepared for big weather changes, a global switch will take place, a drop of temperature will take place, taking place of a mayor change in the animal kingdom. Giving place to new spices arrival. Be compassionate to each other, be loving, be a brother and a sister to those who are reaching for your help. Remember a True Teacher knows what the soul truly feels and act upon it. A true teacher honors the from a tinniest creature to the highest ascended masters. For what you are all equal in the eye of Love. Be prepared for powerful living objects coming from out of space, hitting earth and triggering even more earth movement. In times of what you call chaos, your true individual must listen to inner voice. Those of you already are awakened, those are in the way, and others need your help. But keep in mind Free Will is a gift given to each of you, and non being should be pressured or manipulated to choose their own destiny. All has a reason for being. Remember nothing is telling you to do!!!! But wishing you to undressed your true spirit and live as you wish. Be your best, follow who you are, the spark within you will lead you to own salvation, to own truth, and to own Piece of God. Vibrate in 24 angelic vibrations, continues faith in inner Self and surroundings, deep joy of true path. You depend on no one but yourself. You will drink the elixir of life, you will understand you are Masters of your own time and space, but to get to that one must practice humility, simplicity, comprehension and compassion. Honor your friends, your families, those who don't know you, and all creature, being in your plain reality and other plains. For what stronger activities of spiritual energies will settle down your realm and reality. Watch for invocations, for lower emotions, for low desires or actions, is continue these low vibrational entities will be at tracked to you like magnets. The time to be warriors of true is here. You are deeply loved and honored by Me!!! A Heart full of love can heal anything!! Live in joy, in peace and in deep ecstasies each breath you take! Bless you beloved ones!!! copyrighted 2011