The NEW MOON on August 28-29 (11:04pm EDT, 4:04am GDT) is in VIRGO, the sign of the Great Goddess.
I got into lots of interesting bits and pieces while writing this piece over the last week. Haven't got as much time to sort and sift, so I'm sharing as is. The aesthetic quality of Virgo attunes to the finest sensations, which inform our experience. We are invited to feel and move with the interplay of your inner nature in resonance with what surrounds around you. Let this be a SENSATION-AL NEW MOON.
There are many interesting planetary dynamics in this New Moon:
*MERCURY in LEO is direct!— communicating messages from the Heart of the Sun. Motions on the Sun create sound waves with many different frequencies that vibrate through its depths….Its core vibrates, beats like a heart.
*VENUS closely accompanies this New Moon. *CHIRON in Pisces is opposite. VENUS, still cloistered with the Sun, enhances the theme of the celestial feminine, and the seemingly mundane, yet more than mundane, themes of money, values, Nature. wisdom. Venus, just emerged from the Heart of the Sun along with Mercury, is in VIRGO. and more!
VIRGO, EARTH GODDESS VIRGO is the Earth Goddess, often depicted with angelic wings. These wings let her spirit fly. She infuses spiritual essence into the most intimate materiality of life. As an Earth sign, Virgo indicates the delicate membrane between physical manifestation and non-physical energy, as mutable as the physics definition of light: is it a particle or a wave? The answer: it depends on how we perceive it.
Paleontologist-philosopher-priest Pierre TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, a multi-Taurus with Uranus conjunct this Venus New Moon, gives us timely inspiration from his life work. His love for Earth and appreciation for the cosmic feminine was an intimate experience for this Christian mystic, silenced by the Catholic Church for his unorthodox views on evolution and consciousness. A mystic scientist, Teilhard de Chardin gave voice to the true soul of science, which involves a sense of the living Kosmos and Earth. He spoke of "the passionate sense of common destiny that draws the thinking fraction of life ever further forward…the only truly natural and real human unity is the spirit of the earth." This unity is based on love, "the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mysterious of the cosmic forces," first witnessed deep in molecular forces.
Early in his life he felt drawn by something which shone in the heart of matter, of Mother Earth. In his "Hymn to Matter" (and Mater), he expressed his ecstatic experience of nature and the cosmos informed by his studies in physics, geology, paleontology and chemistry.
"Blessed be you, universal matter, immeasurable time, boundless ether, triple abyss of stars and atoms and generations: you who by overflowing and dissolving our narrow standards or measurement reveal to us the dimensions of God."
PARTICLES=MATTER, PHOTONS=ENERGY In 2001 Astronomy magazine Astronomer Bob Berman writes: "Fast-forward to the odd world of Quantum Mechanics. This is a realm that makes Alice's adventures seem like a tame walk in the part, a wonderland where particles can simultaneously exist and not exist, only to spring into reality as soon as someone takes a look….
"But wait, it gets worse. A number of physicists accept the 'many worlds' explanation for quantum phenomena, believing that there is a separate universe for each option. If you measure an electron, you've forced it to make a choice as to what state it's in, where it exists or how it's moving. Actually, that's not accurate—it hasn't made a choice. Rather you have suddenly joined the universe where it exists in the state you observe it to be. Another you inhabits a separate universe where you observe the electron in a different place or state….. "Particles and photons—matter and energy—apparently transmit knowledge across the entire universe instantly. Light travel time is no longer the limit. |
TIME AND SPACE ARE BUT STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS" — Alice Bailey With all the electricity coming into our system— we must seriously consider how our experience of space-time is changing along with consciousness. For some years many of us have been noticing time shortening, as if time is moving more quickly. Apparently there has been a frequency change in the wavelength of time. Therefore, more can happen in that time on a vertical level of individual and collective consciousness.
Draw shallow waves in a line across a page. Draw bigger waves. In that case more ink (energy) is used going up and down than across the page.
It may be odd to think of the speed of time changing, but it is quite natural. These days we blithely refer to the speed of light, as if it is an agreed-upon quantity, which it isn't.
"Einstein proved that as we move through space, we also move through time -- meaning that by accelerating to near-light speed, we could move through hundreds of Earth years in just a few minutes. Physicist Dewey Larson was able to unify quantum mechanics and astrophysics by postulating a "Time Region", or time-space -- a parallel reality in which time as we know it becomes three-dimensional. By simply moving through space in this parallel reality, we actually travel in time." —from David Wilcock's new Source Field Investigations, google for his new youtube and find a mind-bending slide show summary online on Huffington Post.
SUCH QUESTIONS ARE POSED AND POISED BY CHIRON OPPOSITE THIS NEW MOON as it was opposite Mercury when that planet went retrograde. Mercury comes back around to that point on Sept 9-10, again bringing along the quantum shift quest and questions of Chiron. |
EARTH SIGN TRIANGLE This VENUS NEW MOON MAKES A GRAND TRIANGLE IN EARTH SIGNS with JUPITER and PLUTO. JUPITER is going retrograde. Earth is claiming our attention these days, very expressive in relation to dynamics in the larger Cosmos. In the U.S. Hurricane Irene is making a strong run from the Caribbean [It became a hurricane as it was leaving us here in the Virgin Islands.] up the East coast to New England, following along the tectonic plate that shifted to cause an unusual earthquake centered in Virginia. Right near Washington, D.C.—what can that mean? Ripples under the Earth, in the winds and the waters.
Earth changes are manifesting globally. In mutable Virgo, how do we respond? What is the most appropriate response? Jupiter in Taurus is a hugely productive cycle that lasts into June 2012, expanding the spread of urban gardens, among other tasty things. This is a year of manifestation. If we pay attention to our altered state of time-space experience, we will be able to respond more readily and effectively. Jupiter is as far in Taurus as its going to get for now. It has plowed new ground since June and is reworking this territory. What does this mean to you as you proceed slowly but surely to change your lifestyle to enhance your physical and emotional well-being, a Virgo theme? |
QUALITY INVESTMENT Quantity is one aspect of experience. When we talk about QUALITY—of light, of life, the inherent value of things, then we are having a timely, 3rd millennium conversation. Time itself becomes a resource, equally important as any other, to consider in these "times" of economic change. Are you using your time well, or wasting it? How does that relate to your way of using money, or other resources, including your talents and abilities, including your emotional intelligence?
Venus is about quality, and is particularly discerning in VIrgo. Virgo is a sign of "excellence, elegance, love of task, of service," in the words of Ayman Sawaf, co-author (with Rowan Gabrielle) of Sacred Commerce: The Rise of the Global Citizen.
In this book, the authors draw from research into the Merchant-Priests of ancient Egypt who practiced business along with the skill of emotional alchemy, which they mastered in their pursuit of beauty goodness and truth. "The central principle and 'engine' of culture is no longer religion," they suggest, "nor politics as was the case in the past. Like it or not, commerce has become the primary force propelling our species and human society forward. We are witnessing a commerce-centric (r)evolution, a whole new form of 'conscious capitalism', wherein business transactions the world over will become the main conduit of social and cultural evolution….
"Commerce, that intrinsic and basic function of exchanging goods and services, can 'within this context' raise human culture to a level of sacredness that otherwise might not be attained while placing those who practice it on a trajectory of accelerated growth."
This perspective matches the profound implications the passage of PLUTO in CAPRICORN can have on the world of business. We have been talking for some time of the Cardinal Cross with Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Libra and Uranus in Aries. Saturn is now moving onward into the second half of Libra. Are you ready, you Librans born September 9-23? [Your turn for an astro-special—see below]. |
CREATIVE CARDINAL CROSS SATURN is moving out of the range of the incoming revolutionary, world-rocking Uranus-Pluto interchange. As it finalizes its last circle, it resolves issues and concludes situations that came up last October, setting the stage for Uranus-Pluto. Saturn makes another vibrant creative, cardinal dynamic on this New Moon, accompanied by VESTA:
SATURN with VESTA in LIBRA = responsible investment in harmonious relationship.
The Dawn mission now engaged in extended space research into VESTA, thus on an archetypal level, we are alerted to themes of this asteroid goddess. This crater-spattered space rock is the brightest and most massive asteroid, as well as the second largest (behind Pallas). Scientists are interested in Vesta largely because it's thought to be made of the stuff that dominated the early solar system and look like the big planets once looked. "We are beginning the study of arguably the oldest extant primordial surface in the solar system," the $466 million Dawn mission's principal investigator, Christopher Russell of the University of California at Los Angeles, said in today's image advisory. "This region of space has been ignored for far too long. So far, the images received to date reveal a complex surface that seems to have preserved some of the earliest events in Vesta's history, as well as logging the onslaught that Vesta has suffered in the intervening eons." For the latest Dawn mission updates, look at
Roman Vesta (Greek Hestia) is the eldest of the Olympian siblings. When Saturn swallowed all his offspring, she was the first in and the last out. Offerings were made to her at every banquet. The goddess of hearth and home, she keeps the sacred flame burning. She is like a priestess or therapist who pays attention to our inner lives, holding sacred space for the alchemy of transformation to take place safely and be completed.
SATURN OPPOSES BLACK MOON LILITH in ARIES= Unconsciousness investment in something outside self is uncentered, leading to imbalance. In honoring authenticity of Self certain compromises are not possible, creating an elastic-band kind of tension in which new options can arise, if allowed.
SATURN SQUARES MARS in CANCER= Allow the options! Action is required for growth. Defend and protect with care. Reassure your inner child in order to nurture the best is Self and Other. |
VIRGO TURNS THE MEDICINE WHEEL, described by teacher Alberto Villoldo as “a psychology of the sacred"…. It’s a tradition that identifies the divine as a naturally occurring phenomenon – that is to say that the divine is in nature – and it is by accessing the state of consciousness that informs life that we gain the wisdom we require to change, to evolve…. I think that it is based on an ancient memory of a state of mind that was preconscious – a state of mind that existed before we acquired the ability to reason. It was never displaced by reason, not complemented by it."
After all this writing, all these words, perspectives and quotes, this NEW MOON does not need rational explanation—it needs experiential immersion. Thus to find my groove (which has been a bit missing of late), I went to the far East End of this little island of St. John. Down the cliffside to a salt pond, cut off from the sea not all that long ago, inhabited by three types of birds—plover, duck and Naked in the highly salted, sulphurous waters, skin becomes silky. Luscious mud dug up from the bottom offers a special tropical skin treatment. Afterwards, a wash in the wavy sea and a sand rub completes the feeling of being at a natural spa. This felt like New Moon bath. |
SABIAN SYMBOLS TELL THE STORY Sabian Symbols offer insights to our experience of this Moon cycle:
Sabian Symbol for 6 Virgo: EXCITED CHILDREN RIDE ON A BLATANT, GAUDY MERRY-GO-ROUND. There is no doubt that things are exciting these days on the global merry-go-round. Are you excited about the ride? Choose your animal (guide) to sit on and hold on. This symbol reminds me of satellite images of hurricanes, including the current ones of Hurricane Irene, which accompanies this New Moon for many Cosmic News readers on the Atlantic sea coast and in the Northeast. Take care and be safe.
The story is amplified in the nearby Venus degree at 9 Virgo: A MODERN EXPRESSIONIST ARTIST PAINTS A STRANGE CANVAS. Artistic opportunity is great. We can imagine all sorts of possibilities. Let's spend our time designing the one we want to be living. Emotional reality becomes tangible. Good idea! I've been preparing and I'm going painting this week, even knowing that I will only approach a shadow of Nature's palette and moving tapestry created by Cosmic imagination. |
ASTRO-SPECIAL For those of you about to experience this next mini-cycle of Saturn. That includes: Sun signs Librans, Sept. 9-23; those having their Saturn return, ages 29-30 and 58-59; the generation with Uranus in the second half of Libra, 1972-1975; the generation with Pluto in the second half of Libra, 1979-1983; those with Moon at 17-29+ degrees Libra. An astrological look will help set you up with useful insights for this significant time on your life journey. 1 hour, $105. |
KELLEY'S TRAVELS I'll be up in the States again all of October. In NEW ORLEANS the first week, for planning meeting for UAC, the United Astrology Congress, the big international astrology conference taking place in that city in late May, 2012. The theme is VENUS ON THE RISE. For more info: I am serving as Hospitality Coordinator and will be needing a team of volunteers. Let me know if you are interested.
VERMONT, Oct. 6-28. Available for personal consultations and astrology parties (specially designed for your group, within a 3-hour drive of Montpelier, VT). The astrology party we had in Framingham, MA in June was so much fun, we all agreed. References available. I'll announce other events as they are planned. |