Righteous~ Meeting the Standards, of what is Right and what is wrong, just. Example~In illusion you were taught to be "righteous", and being righteous made you pure of Heart...This is a lie. Real Pure of Heart is Being the Love you are Equal to the ALL Always In The Present Moment of Now, this is Being of Right Action, Right Conduct. This is the Ethics Train, Love. That is it, Period.
Holy~ Belonging too, Divine Power, Sacred, Worthy. Example~ In Truth each of you are Divine Holy Beings of Absolute Brilliance, just as Your Brothers Jesus, Ghandi, Buddha, and many others that you named Holy. Holy means the Purity of Being the Love you are. You are Creation and You are Our Children. You are GOD and therefore you are all Holy, and ALL Worthy.
Sacred~ Holy, Worthy of Respect. Example- In Truth, you are Holy, Sacred Beings of Brilliance and Love.
Honor~ Respect, Great Privilege. Example~ We Honor you for Who You Truly are, Our Children, Holy and Sacred Gods, Royal Angels.
Thankfulness~ Grateful, Expressing Gratitude for, give thanks for. Example~ We Express Thankfulness for all Awakened Beings, We Love You Unconditionally.
Honesty~ Integrity, Trustworthy, not lying, cheating, or deceiving, tells the Truth. Example~ AS Fully Conscious Beings, We are The Most Honest on the Planet, for WE Stand in the Light, Which is TRUTH. AS all Awakened Beings are ALL Full of Honesty to Share with their Brothers and Sisters.
Prayer~Any act of Communion With God [Remember God is Within] such as Praise and Thanksgiving. Example~ The True Prayer is one of Gratitude. For Example, Every Morning We Give Thanks~ Prayer to all of Creation.
Respect~ To Honor, To Feel Honor and Thankfulness. Example~We Respect the True Being of Love you are, Love is Everything, and Love is all that exists.
Logic~Logical~ Principles of Reasoning, showing Consistency of Reasoning, Able To Reason, with Pure Clarity. Example~The New Human, Galactic Human is Based upon Logic and Being. The Twin Flame is the Male being the Logic and the Female the Being. You cannot have Logic Without Being. Logic is the Exacting Expression of Love "Being" Present Everywhere.
Awareness~ Conscious, Sensible, Alive, Awake, Alert, Observant. Example~ To Awaken it takes Awareness. The Awareness transforms into Being Present in the Moment of Now, Consistently.
Source~ A place from which something derives from, point of Origin, one that causes, CREATES, that which supplies information. Example~ You were Created in Love, which is Source, WE are Source and You are Everything We are equal Source.
Experience~ Active Participation in Events leading to Awakening, Being Present with "Feelings" and Fully Particating. Feelings are True Experience which only comes from Being Present and out of "illusion". Example~ The "Kingdom of Heaven" is an Experience of Love Everywhere Present.
Hu~man~ man or mankind, God Man, Divine Entity. Example~ You are not a Human doing, you are a Human "Being". When you are Being then there is nothing to do..This is The Great Human Potential Movement.
Humanity~ Human "Beings" Collectively, the Human Race, Human Nature is Love and Kindness, All Relating too, ALL ONE FAMILY! Example~ In True Reality, The Kingdom Of Heaven, Humanity is ALL ONE BIG HAPPY, LOVING Family.
Infallible~ Incapable of being an Error, Dependable, incapable of Error, Example- We are Your Parents of Creation and are Infallible, and so are you once Awakened.
"In" Spirit~ To instill Courage, Lift Into, Enliven. Example~ All of Humanity is Transforming "In Spirit" form, Forever Eternal.
Inspiration~ Feelings that are of the Highest Levels, something that moves on into High Feelings. Divine Guidance or influence, exerted directly Upon the Heart and Soul of Man. Example~Allow The Kingdom~Company of Heaven be Your Inspiration into Love and Truth. Allow Love to Set You FREE!