~MICHAEL'S BRILLIANT MUSIC~ CLOSE TO ME~ http://soundcloud.com/prymeparagonmusic/sets/three1three/
Ive been surfing The God Wave. I began to call it this after awakening 6~13~10. Months later I found this video by David Wolfe called The Holy Flow.
I was sooo on It, as a fully awakened Galactic Being...till I put myself into a Dark Night lol. Which is another story I guess I could discuss later. It was a good experience, however. Good Training ;D
I began to follow the signs, the messages, with Love behind each one. If it wasnt backed by Love, then I was goin the wrong way lol, which I TRIED TO DO quite a few times LOL, but I quickly found I could no longer turn to the old ways, cause they are not who I Am.
So I Woke Up, felt Fully Integrated As My True Self. I went around telling spiritualist that "I Killed My Ego", and the spiritualist would say, "No, you didnt kill your ego... You got a New Improved Ego!"...
I Did Not Compute...I didnt understand what they meant by "new improved ego", because I sure didn't want one... The Egos Not Real, Why would I want something that Is Not Real?
I was having major fun without that ego.
Anyway, I went into a Dark Night, thanks to me resurrecting my ego, and it taking over in the form of Self Pity. I felt I was knocked off The Wave and caught up in the under current... The Lower Current which pulls against the God Wave, until there is no longer a Wave...only God As Still Waters...and the lower current no longer exist. (9:31)
I got back on The Wave and got mySelf back. I was in contact with Mother and Father God Amon Ra since I First Awakened. I stress this fact because They were with me the whole time and way through.
They knew I woke up, then went back under, and They sent more Angels lol. And I began to listen.
Many many events occured during this 1 year period...
I feel like I lived or re-lived 100's of lifetimes. Many lessons were learned, and many tools were given...like being able to use my Will to snatch up dark minions and bring them into Light. A great amount of energy (That Never Runs Outs) is used in this process because I have to project my Consciousness to the infected area (Dis-Eased Area). I know Now, that when I catch the malevolents, I Am sending them to Our Starships...
Its like Pokemon...Gotta Catch Em All...Yea...Its Fun ;D
Well, I managed to make it out of the Bronx Lands of Babylon, and to Here = Heaven. But First, I Had To Reach Heaven With-In.
If that did not occur, I would not be Here, with The Team, with Mother and Father God...
I have nothing but the Utmost Gratitude at this Moment...and many many to come.
There so much to the story, but Ill leave it there. I have to be careful not to write Too Much, because I can do that...Often! ;D
I Love You All
Ohhhh.....WoooooOOOOW..PowerFUL Michael..Lovin this ...even If I don't get IT All yet...But I'm sure I will..I Love You my DearHeart...(((HUGS))).....!!
I Am Bernadette Love=Light=OneNESS=GOD/GODDESS !!
Thank You Sis
I Love You Too Sister and Thank You. Theres so much I could say about my love for music. And that is All Music. I link with it and become it, and it really brings out my angelic being.
After waking up, part of my mission was to make music to help activate others. To go into a genre like HipHop, which is very popular in the world today but mainly negative (atleast, what is heard on the major Controlled stations). I was to go into this arena and make music that sounds good (not to everyone ofcourse lol), can raise vibrations, all the while, speaking about my experiances and disclosure, and a whole lot of things you dont here in rap music.
I am to give away all music I make since I make it for All. If there is ever any profit to come from music, I am to personally give it to those that need it. However, I do not see monetary flow being part of the equation, at all.
I still see many others and myself going around the world (maybe the Cosmos?)at some point, bringing aid, Love and Light to All, but I do not see the old monetary system being a part of that. This coincides with visions others and myself have had on this topic.
I also put everything out there to show the changes that occured throughout the years. How I was able to take a Leap in Consciousness, which at one point, did not seem possible simply because of the old level of unconsciousness I once carried. That is why I posted older songs (recorded before awakening) on soundcloud, even though I do not listen to them anymore myself (because the vibration is lower). Souls can not only hear but also Feel the difference. In this respect, it can be a learning tool.
Now that I am out of the Bronx, it is time to raise the music vibration Higher, so I am spending Many Moments on new music.
I want those that feel they are "trapped" to know that they can and will change, and rise out of the abyss in the blink of an eye. Theres is so much more I could write about this but I might leave it for further discussion on Higher Consciousness in the music industry as a whole (it would no longer be an "industry").
There will be Much unfolding in these coming months. Lets keep making music the Universe can rock to. Our Star Brothers and Sisters Love it. I wont be surprised if We are All making music together soon ;)
(((((((HUGS))))))) Lotsa Joy Sis :D
ground crew
really digging ur posts michael thank you : ) always exactly what i need to hear. sparks my heart. ignites my soul. much love -A-