July ended with the power of a New Moon, with both the Moon and Sun in the astrological sign of Leo. This energy encouraged us to open to the warmth of our hearts and welcome in the beauty of self-love and acceptance. The Light is coming more rapidly now and with greater intensity so that we may deepen our awareness, expand our consciousness and make the dreams of our hearts a reality. Now it is even more important to allow our hearts to sing prayers directly to the Divine Creator and listen to and follow the resulting wisdom and guidance.
Our current evolutionary journey is a path littered with new phases of growth and development, exciting new visions and ideas for evolutionary change. At the beginning of each new cycle many new possibilities are awakened within us, but the influence of the old cycle can be distinctly felt and there may be many overwhelming feelings as we release the past and at the same time work to manage the energies of the new. It was the energy of July that readied us for the end of an era and the beginning of another.
There is so much that seems to be happening energetically this August that I have found it difficult to know where to begin! What I do know, is that August holds a powerhouse of transformative energies that will push us beyond what we have previously known. We will be urged to move rapidly forward but at the same time to pause and seek deeper understandings and build more solid foundations.
Dr Carl Calleman’s interpretation of the Mayan Calendar states that July the 31st marked the entry point of the 5th Day of the 9th Wave. The 5th Day will only continue until August 17th, with the midpoint being reached on August 8th and 9th. It is my understanding that the 5th Day is the brightest phase of light within the entire 9th Wave cycle. It is known as a time of enlightenment, a budding phase, a breakthrough into the light where our creations will become visible. It seems then that during this 5th Day we can expect a great deal of Divine light and information to vibrate within us.
The 5th Night of the 9th Wave occurs from August 18th to September the 4th. The midpoint of this cycle will be August 26th and 27th. The 5th Night is the darkest period of each cycle and is described as a time of destruction. This is a very difficult energy and can be a point of crisis. Thankfully it is relatively short compared to the previous 5th Nights of the other cycles.
It is this 5th cycle that calls us to explore how we show up, not only as an individual, but also as a universal, global and planetary citizen within our families, our tribes and our nations. It is vital that each one of us, as individuals, moves into expanded levels of consciousness where we are able to recognise our responsibility and the effect we have upon this planet.
The shift in consciousness is well underway and as our consciousness awakens and expands it becomes more and more challenging to exist within old realities. Spiritual awakening is a key theme to the shift and there are many who are feeling a deep desire to reconnect with their Spiritual aspect. To express their Divine essence and authentically express their Divine gifts, abilities and qualities.
As we continue our path of evolutionary expansion and growth we move beyond the consciousness of duality and transform into Unity Consciousness. You will find yourself being consciously aware of the nature of the energies you exist within and a building awareness of the duality within our world. Spirit is the necessary aspect you require to create a unifying force within to transform your current reality using the Christ Consciousness virtues of forgiveness, love and compassion.
In the past it has been necessary for you to create your reality with the energy of duality, but as you move into your role as co-creator with the Divine Creator, you move beyond duality and into unity. Co-creating means uniting all aspects of your being within your heart then merging with the Divine Creator to consciously create your reality. This means then that you are required to develop a deep and profound awareness of yourself.
Self-awareness is a requirement that each individual must develop if you are to expand your consciousness and effortlessly flow with the evolutionary energies of this time. With deep self-awareness you are able to naturally release your limitations, the illusions under which you have lived and embrace your authentic being. It means having an innate understanding of all your different aspects, knowing what they are and how they work together. It is self-awareness that will make is possible for you to consciously choose how to direct your energy and to move from fear and into love. Thus you are then able to effectively balance both your inner and outer realities creating unity within and without.
Dualistic energy requires only the power of thought and in these times brings feelings of stress, depression, unhappiness and negative thinking. The energy of Unity requires the power of the heart, the mind, the body and the Spirit and enables you to feel safe, reassured, accepted, acknowledged and love. In the past we have been taught to search outside of ourselves for knowledge and wisdom, to cultivate and develop the mind to understand and create our reality. Duality is maintained by the outdated beliefs, structures and patterns of the past. As our consciousness expands these old beliefs, structures and patterns are released thus dissolving duality. Unity then naturally flows and we are free to create the reality our hearts truly desire. Now it becomes vital for us to unify all aspects of ourselves – heart, body, mind and Spirit – and move within to reconnect with the eternal self to discover inner guidance and wisdom.
By consciously choosing the truth of your Spirit over your limited ego, you choose love over fear. When you operate from a place of fear you continue to create a dualistic reality. When you operate from a place of love you exist within unity creating a reality that is in balance and harmony with all living things. In this time of massive growth you must search deeply within your heart for guidance, comfort, support and love. There is no escaping from the need to take action as the planetary and global energies are conspiring together to force you to consciously choose what energy you wish to use to co-create your reality.
In August there are many important planets retrograding (moving backwards relative to the Earth), which will amplify the energies creating feelings of stress and frustration. We do frequently experience multiple retrogrades but this month it seems to be unusually powerful. We are being offered the opportunity to awake from the dream of our illusions slowly and gently thus alleviating as much trauma and damage as possible. Its best to utilise the energy of this month in deep introspection and healing, allowing your consciousness to expand into the realms of the heart. This will bring light to those areas where self-love, acceptance and appreciation are needed. It is important to be aware, compassion and gentle with yourself and others during this month.
The following planets are retrograde in August -
Mercury the planet governing communication. Thinking and communication will be hazy, slow and delayed. It’s best to feel your way gently and slowly through communications of all kinds and be prepared for issues of the past to come up for resolution, healing and transformation.
Chiron the planet governing our healing is gifting us with the opportunity to move deeply into our healing process.
Uranus governs change and transformation. It’s a good opportunity for us to pause and rethink any changes we may be wanting to implement in any areas of our lives.
Neptune governs religious, philosophical and political ideals of all kinds. Now is an optune time to reflect upon your beliefs, ideals and the Spiritual aspect of your life.
Pluto the planet governing power of all kinds will stall our ability to utilise our power, gifting us with the opportunity to pause and reflect on our use of power and energy, and what this means to us individually.
Jupiter governs growth, expansion and uplifting ideas. With this planet retrograde our efforts towards expansion will slow down giving us space to pause and reflect on our inner and outer growth and expansion.
Added to all this retrograde energy we have the New Moon in the astrological sign of Aquarius on the 13th August. With the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius and the influence of the retrograde planets, this Moon phase will mark a time of deep and profound transformation.
The energy of this month will deeply infuse our hearts making it a favourable time for creating an intimate connection with the voice of our hearts. Its a good time to move within and connect with the feelings of peace, harmony and love, which will invite you to claim your Divinity, cultivate your qualities of self love, compassion and acceptance, and fully embrace your unique gifts and abilities. Moving deeply into your heart for guidance, emotional satisfaction, acceptance, comfort and love will support you as we move towards the Full Moon on August the 28th.
This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2010 Kate Ann Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za