~8~8~11~~FROM OUR GALACTIC FREE PRESS FILES~ ~Definitions and Examples~

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~Definitions and Examples~




Infallible~ Incapable of error, dependable, incapable of failing. Example~ The Love Called God Everywhere Present Is Infallible, and Fully Manifested on Planet Earth=Heart.

Heaven~ The Home of God, The Angels, and all Souls Granted Salvation. The Divine Providence, The Celestial, Supreme Happiness, A State of Bliss. Example~ The Kingdom of Heaven Has Manifested on Planet Earth=Heart, which is Your Real Home, as soon as you Awaken from the dream.

The Dream Machine~ Example~ In the dream you have been in an induced hell, created by the Illuminati as they misused the dream machine. Of course the "dreamweavers" wanted to hold onto this illusion, for their own benefits. Now, they have done all of this within the dream, and they did not know what the dream machine actually was. This is Why We came in. When the first Atom bomb exploded, this sent the Atoms into Light Speed Vibration and Directly to our Door, and they said "Mother and Father God, HELP!!" This is when we knew you were ready. So We sent ourselves into the dream, so that we could assist you out of it. The Reason will be Obvious once you awaken. The Angels are also here to assist in this Most Magnificent Event of the Lighting of the Central Sun. We came to Get the Baby Gods out of the dream!!! The Dream Machine originally was to be used so that we could experience ourselves within Creation, allowing Us to see the individual aspects of the Whole, which was our interconnection to each other. The Illuminati created a division in this, creating the illusion of isolation and separation, thus fantasies were created over fantasies. This would be the infinite loop, that they controlled until NOW. All controls have been taken over By the Planet. As Decreed and is Done, Reboots are Now in Process.

Cohesive~ The Process or condition of Being Held Together. Example~ The Light is Cohesive, meaning it is Attracted together, and is Held together, by Love and Light, which is Truth and God. Darkness always tries to find a hole in the Light, when in Truth the Light is Cohesive, the only real hole is the darkness. All Love and Light=Truth=God fills in all the dark holes. Those who are resisting this change into Light, Where Love Fills in all the Gaps, are the ones deeply ingrained in ignorance. The Planet has Now Decreed they Be removed from Planet Earth=Heart, Effective immediately. As So Decreed by Mother Earth...AND SHE CHEERS...HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND!!

Unceasing~ Continues on and on forever and forever... Example~ Love, Creation and Truth are unceasing.

Acknowledge~ To admit the existence OF, Acceptance of the Reality and Truth of. "he that Acknowledge the son, hath the Father also, John 2:23", to recognize as being valid. Example~ The Planet will Acknowledge the Truth, of the Existence Of The Love Called God Everywhere Present. ALL Truth will Be Revealed and Acknowledged, AS Decreed.

Humor~ The Quality of Being laughable, Comical, induces Laughter, enjoy, express what is Laughter. Example- Laughter and Humor are the Expressions in the Higher Realms. Consider Father God and I your Divine Comedy Team, with plenty of Humor to share!! [Wait till you get it that you were just in a stupid dream[illusion] that was not real, you will be rolling in the isles... We Guarantee..LOL]

Judgment~ a belief or opinion, criticism, critical, harsh, to condemn to rule over. Example~ Love Governs. Love has no beliefs, no opinions. Love never judges, for what is there to judge? Only ignorance can judge, Father God and I did not come here to judge you because there is absolutely nothing to judge in the Light of Reality. Ignorances judges and then receives its own sentence of judgment, which is Divine Justice Served. In Reality judgments have no meaning. Judgments were created in the dream, in the fantasy, by the illuminati. The ground does not judge the sky, Mother Earth does not judge Humanity, but Humanity has created a whole bunch of judgments in this false dream.

Grant~ To Allow, to Have Consent to the Fulfillment of, To Acknowledge. Example~ All Decrees have Been Granted, By the Kingdom~Company of Heaven, and Your Family of Light. And So it is..Decreed and Granted.


Living~ Alive, in active Function,True and Real to Life. Example~ Once Awakened, you will Be Living For the First Time on Planet Earth=Heart. Real Living, is Being Who You Truly are, Free to Be the Love you Truly are.

False~ Contrary to fact or Truth, untruthful, not real, deceiving. Example~ It is false if you say You are being the Love you are, if you are not experiencing equality with All That Is.

Equality~ The state or existence of being Equal, and enjoying Equal Rights. A person or thing that is Equal to Another. Example~ In the Kingdom of Heaven, WE are all Equal, and Express in Every Moment the Love We Truly are. True Equality is what the Light Represents, and what Love is.

Clear~ Free from anything that dims, obscures, free from the darkness, unclouded, Free from impurities, plain and evident, Free from doubt or confusion. Example~ During this Transfiguration Event, you must Clear away all darkness, which is the Program. In order to ascend, you must Be Completely Clear, Crystal Like. No one can accomplish this for you, but you.

Moment~ The Present "time", which is always right, precise, and is all that Exists. Example~ The Present Moment of Now, is all that Exists, there is no past or future.

Linear~ resembling a line, a straight line, having only one dimension. Example~ You have been taught to learn, and think in a linear way, one dimensional, so that it was easier to keep you semi-consciousness. In True Reality we See everything Multi-Dimensionally, also referred to as Wholistically. There exists nothing in a linear way in the Higher Realms, it is always WHOLE.

Wholistic~ Complete, not divided or disjoined, Sound, Healthy, Restored Healed. Example~ In the Kingdom of Heaven, We See Everything as Wholistic, This occurs when you awaken, and the both sides of your Brain are Connected.

Dream~ A series of images, ideas and emotions occurring when asleep. Example~ In illusion, you have been in a dream, that you thought was Real. You are Now Awakening from this dream to Experience the Truth of Who You Truly Are, and to Return Home, into the Upper Realms where only Joy and Love Exist.


