8/8/2012 -- Earthquake Overview - USA - West Pacific - EU - Asia - South America

Lia's picture

It is prudent to ALWAYS have an earthquake plan ready (and practiced) --- just in case a sizable earthquake strikes your area.

We are seeing a slight increase over the past few weeks.. after several months of a relative 'quieting off' .. this past weeks multiple 6.0M+ earthquake around the ring of fire, plus the activity on the west coast USA --- also the movement seems to be picking up in north Asia (Ryuku north to Kuril Islands)..

Multiple 4.0M and 5.0M along the plate edge north of Australia (New Guinea to Sumatra).. watch for larger movement.

South America (chile/argentina near the coast) be aware of the possibility of a larger earthquake in the near term (next 2 weeks).. at least a 6.0M or greater most likely.

Europe, be alert of 5.0M activity to the north.. and 6.0M activity to the south over the next two weeks.

United States / Canada -- watch the west coast especially.. and the south edge of the north American Craton (colorado, new mexico, texas, oklahoma, arkansas, missouri). East coast -- slight risk for a greater than 4.0M in the next two weeks... watch virginia to south carolina.

Use the links here to monitor earthquake nationally, and internationally:


Use the links here to monitor volcano activity globally (webcam links provided):


Monitor steam plume / weather activity in Mexico, the western USA, North Africa, Saudi Arabia .. and also locations globally:
