Welcome back.
We are all One. And we all know that. But let us understand ‘One.’
One interpretation of “We Are One” is that we are the Same Energy… there are no differences between us, no distances, no inequalities. The other interpretation of One is that we are all Unique… completely different from each other; some similarities perhaps, but no one quite like the other. And so you have one interpretation that states, ‘no difference,’ and another that states completely unique: no one quite like you/me –Unique.
So which interpretation of ‘We Are One’ are we going to adopt? For if you should adopt that there is Unity, then are you sacrificing your uniqueness? And if you adopt the interpretation that you are unique, are you choosing to remain separate from all? So here is your spiritual conundrum: We Are One.
You can neither choose just one, nor can you reject the other. You must adopt both. And that is the only way for the Human Realm to survive! To appear -nay, not merely to appear –To Be unique, different and yet, to real-ize and live at another sub-layer of reality; the sub layer of reality that brings to you in awareness the Universal Truth that All Energy is but One.
And both are equally essential in this respect. And what you consider your uniqueness, your differences, are merely your unique manner of expressing the Unity of Energy. And that is what makes you different, unique, One. Each one has a unique manner of expressing This One Energy. But the world gets caught in the expression and does not bother to then go beyond the expression to realize what is being expressed.
If you would go that one step further from the unique expression –your own and another’s- you will live in the consciousness of the sub layers of The One Energy Reality. So it is time for you to move beyond the expression to the understanding of what is being expressed.
And this One energy has many facets, many qualities… and each facet, aspect, quality will be expressed by each one differing. For example, the Power Quality of Energy. One might express it as silence-the lack of re-action. Another might express it verbally –the spoken response. Both express the same quality, but in their unique manner. And if you get caught in the expression, you might mistake silence as weakness; you might mistake the spoken word as the true and only expression of Power.
How often have you advised yourself and others to speak their truth? What about changing that to express your Truth. For truth can be expressed without words. You do not need to say things in order for others to become aware that you are in Power. In fact, beloved, if you should feel so yearningly the need to speak it is because your Power is still incomplete. But, tarry, do not misunderstand what we say for we are not -certainly not- expressing that the Spoken Word is an incomplete expression of Power. For one, it is the complete expression of Power; for another, not required, and for a 3rd, shows incompleteness.
There are far more qualities, aspects and facets of Energy that can be put into words, that can be described. And each aspect, facet and quality will be uniquely expressed by each. Do you now understand why each one is so dffererent, even though at the core, the sub-stratum of reality is: One Energy.
And not all express all aspects of Energy. Each expresses some. And here is another reason why, we sometimes, erroneously advice. For you may have as a Soul Being, undertaken to express one aspect of Energy but another may not have chosen so. And yet, because that is your Reality of Choice, you advise and guide the other to do so as well. Guidance is essential and so is suggestion. If they are expressions of your Love and Faith and Trust, they must be expressed. But, what suggestion and what guidance? In order to know that you must be able to understand the unique method of expression of the other. You must be able to understand the unique choices of the aspects which need to be expressed. And how will you understand the other’s if you do not understand your own?!
So we come back to: I Am One.
It is vital that you know what Aspects of Energy are you expressing… And it is even more vital to know how you express. Every expression is dual, for the Soul itself, in a Human Embodiment, has opposing tendencies. It is duality. It is inherent. It is part of the Soul; but you will say Soul is Spirit, and Spirit is One and we will agree. But we will still say it is inherent in the Soul to have opposing tendencies -for unless these opposing tendencies exist, your Blueprint Plan will not be expressed and will remain incomplete.
For in Human Embodiment, the Soul is aware that below its sub-stratum of ‘Energy is One’, there is a further sub-sub-stratum: The Energy of Ray 4 – Harmony through Conflict. And for this to become the Reality, the Soul must adopt, must adopt, opposing tendencies.
So if you believe there is a so-called ‘negative’ trait within you, instantly look for its positive as well because it is there, it is there, it is there. For example, Power: its negative could be acute submissiveness, almost being servile. But where there is a servile expression there will be a powerful expression as well –only, you need to become aware of it. And, we do not mean that the opposing tendencies lie dormant –both express themselves. Yes, one may express itself more strikingly than the other, but both express themselves. So, this same servile, submissive human being may, in a given situation, where he finds a stranger lying bleeding on the road, express his Power to aid, help and serve this person. Neither tendency stays dormant. They express. But your focus is naturally drawn to the one that chooses to express itself predominantly. And you begin to believe that is the tendency you have, the other does not exist. But it exists, it exists.
In order to become aware of the Aspects of Energy that you have chosen to express, highlight your negative traits. Why do we not ask you to highlight your positive ones? Each one has a far longer list of what they consider is their ‘negative’. So make your list extensive. Highlight the tiniest negative trait that you think, you believe, you consider, you have internalized, that you have. The more extensive, the better.
The next step is that for each one, you will then place an opposing tendency – a positive. And do not merely write the positive, but do not move to the 2nd one till you have been able to bring to your mind, to your Conscious Realization, at least one instance in this current life (as though there were any other ) , in this current life, when you have demonstrated that opposing tendency, that positive trait.
And thus, you go down your list. And thus you identify for yourself the Qualities of Energies that you have chosen to express. And thus you identify for yourself the manner of the Expression of these qualities that you have adopted, which you may change if you should so desire.
Once you are in such acute conscious awareness of your qualities and your expression, you will be able to identify the qualities of another. And what is even more significant is that with that knowledge will come: the knowledge of the purpose of why you are here.
It is erroneous to believe that you have one purpose. So one thinks, ‘my purpose is to heal,’ and another thinks, ‘my purpose is to help,’ and a 3rd thinks, ‘my purpose is to make money.’ You are identified but one purpose, identify the several! And while you do this exercise, allow the brain to rest.
We tell you here and we tell you now: the brain knows no truths. The brain knows no truth. The brain can not know truth. The brain can only know what it is conditioned to believe. And what you are conditioned to believe at one point in your life, you stop believing at another. So what is this, then? Can Truth be so fickle, so ephemeral, so transient, so quick to change?
Thus, this exercise must be done by the Soul and not by the brain at all.
Before we proceed, we take questions.
Q: We form the outside; say we are quiet by nature, we don’t react -that can become our Strength/or we believe in that as strength, whereas actually, it is a wall. OR, we rebel and shout… and that makes you feel you are making some headway and then you choose to don that as your cloak of power; it’s a habit that you keep quiet, and people perceive you as powerful or you shout and that is considered weakness. How do you know which is which?
It suffices to know what is your current form of expression. For we have already said, the manner of expression can change and must change. But while you identify the form of expression, ask the Soul, not the brain to reveal if this Form of Expression has been adopted as a cloak, in order to get attention -so that others will say ‘x’ or ‘y’ or ‘z’ about you? Ask the Soul. Should you then change it? No -not until you are ready to change it. Just become aware. And become aware, if you are changing in order for people to notice? Or are you changing because it is Soul-Guided?
The brain places hurdles for the Soul. It is out to sabotage many of the Soul Projects, for if the Soul should have supremacy, the brain becomes, well –not completely irrelevant, but- significantly insignificant.
You must consciously live at the Soul Level. When you get habituated to living at the Soul level, the brain will get reconditioned by the Soul. For the brain is the most fickle of your organs; it accepts anything that you put into it –again and again and again and again- and then you believe that it is the truth. You have often chided others for not having their truth. No brain has its truths –not even yours.
So re-condition your brain. You are at the level now, where you can take all the responsibility for reconditioning your brain. So what will you recondition it to believe? We give you no answers; each will get their answer when each begins to consciously live at the Soul Level for extensive periods of time. You are constantly doing a dance between your brain and the Soul. That is why your brain does not have the opportunity to recondition itself; it follows its repetitive patterns of past conditioning. For the brain to be reconditioned, what you pour into this organ must be repetitive, over an extended period of time.
Any further questions?
Q:So you know this from patterns- you would recognize the brain work/conditioning from patterns?
Q:And how would you recognize this, know this – by how you feel?
By how you experience yourself in your moments of complete togetherness. And why do we use this word, ‘togetherness?’ You have often used this word, ‘balance’, without ever asking what are you balancing. “I am in balance.” “I wish to be in balance.” Balance between what? And what? Do you even know? Balance between brain and Soul. And that is the Point of Togetherness. When the brain does not state one thing and the Soul, the other; both speak in the same tongue. And in those moments of togetherness, you will express the Qualities that you have adopted, in a Soul-Guided manner.
The moment of Togetherness can not be missed –not even by one who has absolutely no awareness of the Soul. Having awareness of the Soul is not necessary for moments of togetherness. You may have no awareness of the Soul whatsoever and you can still experience these moments because their expression, their experience, is so unique and so unmistakably strong.
What example beloved, can we give you? It has to be experienced. One may experience it during a moment of meditation and another may be farthest from the moment of togetherness during a meditation; so what example do we give? One may experience this moment hard at work behind their office table and another may never experience it in an office surrounding; what example do we give you?
Q:What is the difference between Soul and heart?
Very simple, indeed. The Soul is never commanded by the brain; the heart always, is.
Question asked but not recorded clearly.
100%. For the Soul has the Soul Purpose as its only beacon. So let us explain this Soul Purpose –for we told you earlier you have more than one. So let us explain this Soul Purpose in more clarity.
There is one Defining Principle of Life, and that one defining principle of life has several, different purposes along with it. The Soul Purpose, beloved, that you refer to is this Defining Principle of Life. We ask you to not even attempt to look into this defining principle, for unless you are living extensive, extensive, extensive periods in Soul Harmony, you will not become aware of the defining principle of your life. But if you can become aware of the several purposes that you are already fulfilling and will continue to fulfill, be rest in peace that: it will be on the path of the Defining Principle –always.
Greetings and Blessings.