9 Simple Things that Can Make the World a Better Place

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Often times people get lost in the negative stories they tell themselves. Many believe that the world is an awful place and that nothing good can ever happen. Being stuck in such bad thoughts is a sure way to prevent yourself from being the positive change that you wish to see around you. And we all want to live in a nicer and friendlier environment, right? Then why don’t we make it so? It doesn’t take so much of an effort and to prove that, here is a list of 10 simple things that can make a big change in the world.

Eye contact

Often times we are so busy thinking about our own problems or staring at the screens of our smartphones that we forget that the people around us are human beings who love being appreciated, just like us. When being around people, one of the easiest and most efficient ways to make them feel special or at least, acknowledged, is making good eye contacts...
