~From James Gililland email: Mary Magdalene on Earth Changes~
In a transpersonal release session Mary Magdalene came in as the main teacher and guide. After the clearing session she had a lot more to say about the upcoming Earth Changes. We asked if Nibiru was for real she said yes. She also said between Sept and November to expect major changes on every level building up to a great crescendo. November 2011 could be the passing of the Red Kachina the great purifier and people need to come back into alignment with Spirit and Nature. She also said there would be protection for those who listen and act but to be aware of spiritual ego and attachment. Some areas will not be safe no matter how connected one thinks they are and if they really were connected they would be moving from these areas. Beware of the feel good messages and those that avoid personal responsibility maintaining the be lie f that the status quo will continue. She said the Pleiadians, Sirians, Orion Council of Light, Andromedans and several other races 12 to be exact all have played a major part in our evolution.
What was once an Eden designed to be a platform for evolution into the highest expression and a cosmic zoo; so to speak was seeded by these 12 Star Nations. The Earth was hijacked over the years by renegade self-serving forces seen and unseen. These are spoken of in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth and are mentioned many times in ancient cultures as the Archons. These negative elements have infiltrated the highest institutions on Earth yet they with their puppets are now experiencing the karmic consequences of their actions. There has been a great war in the heavens with the controllers, grey and reptilian races which is now over. Those in service to the Creator have been victorious. Now the process of ending the tyranny on Earth is well underway. These brothers and sisters on high are returning as the Hopi Prophecy predicts along with many other indigenous cultures. Please take the time to listen and read this Hopi Prophecy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y1GdKdNhY4&feature=youtu.be
These prophesies along with the Mayan Calendar were all given by the Star Nations. Contrary to popular belief the Mayan Calendar ends October 28th 2011.
Visit James’ galactic ranch (really…it’s out of this world) : http://eceti.org/Eceti.IndexII.html