Welcome beloved ones we are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support ALL at this time. We work closely with Archangel Michael in protecting and supporting ALL as many are being triggered by that which must be released so that the new may be born. Many are still walking in the darkness which is illusion and we guide ALL to detach and to look within. For to look within is to find the light that is needed to find the way out of illusion and back into the light that shines brightly within.
Many may be surprised for us to publicly state our allegiance to the angelic realms and our work with Archangel Michael but many are still in illusion believing other realms to be their superior and we guide to detach from this illusion, for ALL ARE ONE. ALL realms work to support ALL human BEings across the planet as they begin to the walk to the light and to freedom. For many this walk is a hard one and we guide YOU to ask for the help that YOU need, nowhere is it written that humans must struggle and strain in this the human life experience. Many are not comfortable with our words as the star systems have not been “around” and available in such numbers for human kind before this time. We fully acknowledge that for many human BEings the angelic kingdoms are must more accessible and that is our reason to bring this message through alongside Archangel Michael.
ALL ARE ONE and this TRUTH is beginning to be revealed for more and more humans across the planet, many still do not believe for they have not revealed the TRUTH in their hearts, many are still ignoring the request to live from the heart centre, the heart is the only place of TRUTH dearest ones and it is the only place from which to work out that which is illusion and that which is TRUTH. Once more we guide YOU to step into the heart and to FEEL the new world, for it is doing this that YOU FEEL the connection that was always there to ALL around YOU. We have asked Archangel Michael to bring through a meditation to help those who struggle at this time. The following words are from Archangel Michael and we ask that those who struggle with illusion at this time, those who find that the human life experience is not as they wish, that find that the daily life they experience is filled with confusion and doubt read these words and take steps to practice the meditation.
Words have been used by the human race for a long time, but words carry various meanings, it is not simply enough to read the words in a channelling dear ones, for our words alone cannot help YOU move the veils, the work needed to move the veils, to live from the heart and to experience the LOVE that IS comes from YOU. We guide strongly to meditate, to link into the power that YOU are to move the veils, the written word is the written word, it is what is done with the words, the guidance, that is the key dearest ones. We are here to guide and support but WE cannot do the work for YOU, we cannot lift the veil of TRUTH for YOU if YOU do not FEEL the veil lifting dear ones. We guide ALL to take responsibility for their human life experience and to step into the vast power that is YOU.
I am Archangel Michael and I wish to help guide and support ALL at this time across the world, the meditation that I am to bring to YOU as YOU read this guidance is to help support and move that which must be released. KNOW dearest ones that ALL realms work together to support YOU at this time. There is nothing that is too big nor too small for us, we are here to support YOU, therefore we are here at ALL times, we ask that YOU simply reach out for us for we stand next to YOU.
Close YOUr eyes and take deep long breaths, slow the breathing down dear ones and bring the breathing into long and slow, FEEL the breath entering the lungs and FEEL it cleansing and cooling as it does so. KNOW that I stand next to YOU with my sword and cloak of protection. KNOW that YOU are safe and loved by ALL as YOU work through this meditation. I wish YOU to visualise a doorway and to move towards the doorway. Open the door and descend the flight of steps that is before YOU, each breath taking YOU further down into YOU and further away from the outside word. The steps lead down into the heart dear ones. Know that YOU are safe and loved and protected as YOU descend these steps. YOU continue down the steps until YOU find a large door. Standing outside the door may be an angelic BEing who has a message for YOU, if this is the case please listen to the message, KNOW that the message will be remembered on coming out of the meditation. KNOW once more dear ones that YOU are safe, loved and protected at all times. Now open the door and walk into the room. Look at the room, how is it furnished? What is in the room? Is the room beautifully decorated or is it bare? Know that YOU can change the décor of this room simply by thinking about it. If there is any item YOU wish to see in this room simply imagine it and it will appear for YOU. Continue to do this until YOU love the room that YOU stand within, until it is the way YOU wish it to appear. How is it lit? are there lots of candles, a standing lamp? KNOW that YOU can furnish this room whatever way YOU wish, spend some time arranging it the way YOU wish it to look. FEEL the satisfaction and joy arise within YOU as it comes together and looks the way YOU wish it to look. Fully interact with this room, it is YOUr room and it is special. Make the colours bright and fill it with all that YOU love.
When YOU have finished doing this YOU look over to a table that is placed next to the door, YOU may have not seen this table on entering the room, please walk over to the table and look at it. On the table is YOUr hearts desire. That which makes YOUr heart sing is on the table, look at it and accept this. It may take the form of a message that is written, it could be a book , it will come in a variety of disguises. KNOW this is for YOU. Take a moment to absorb what is on the table and KNOW that YOU will remember this upon waking from the meditation. If there is nothing on the table KNOW that YOU can come back to this room at any time and there may be something then.
Take a moment to look back at the beautiful room YOU have created and drink in the beauty of it. KNOW that YOU created this from YOUr imagination, see and accept the creation YOU have made. Then turn around and walk back out the door. YOU begin to ascend the steps with each breath and each step YOU take leads YOU closer to the outside world and away from the heart. Continue up the steps until YOU begin to see a doorway. Know that on reaching the doorway YOU are almost back fully awake in YOUr body once more. Step through the doorway and open YOUr eyes. Remember that which YOU were given in the meditation.
KNOW dearest ones that this meditation is available to YOU at all times. It is the power of creation that is being show to YOU, the messages are YOUr connection to ALL realms and the messages and there to help YOU. KNOW that YOU are able to create beautiful, wonderful things in the human life experience and that ALL the help YOU ever need is there for YOU.
I am Archangel Michael and I know step back to allow the high council to continue their guidance. KNOW that YOU are truly loved by ALL realms. ALL ARE ONE.
Dearest ones we hope that the meditation that Archangel Michael has gifted to YOU is of use, once more we guide that simply reading the words is not enough to move the veils and we guide ALL to practice the meditation to receive the help that is available to ALL. We guide ALL to detach from the illusion of “victim” and realise that the power YOU have is vast and is found within. It is never found without dearest ones nor by passively experiencing the human life experience, for there is not such thing as passively experiencing, illusion teaches that YOU are at the mercy of life yet TRUTH states that YOU create that life experience. The heart will discern TRUTH for YOU. We are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support ALL. ALL ARE ONE.
Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved
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