Dear Humans, We are the one who will bring tyranny down.... We are the ones who, when fully awake, and took our own life in our own hands, will bring this beast to the ground, and expose it to full extent....
Do not expect anyone else, Galactic Federation or secret societies, or even God to bring your greedy governments down.... It is YOU, who is bringing them down, it is you who is exposing them, it is YOUR action and no one else’s.... YOUR ACTION is the thought that resonates in your heart....
There is no one else here on Earth, who is more capable and with more courage to act from its heart, BUT YOU, MY DEAR SISTERS AND BROTHERS IN LOVE.... YOU equip your heart with lot of LOVE and COURAGE, and suddenly the ACTION WILL EMERGE FROM YOU.....
Do not wait for anyone else to act for you, as maybe they are still very sleepy and very lazy living mediocre life of disappearance and separation from God....
Do not wait for miracle events that will change your financial situation, or your health, or your awareness.... Take it in your own hands, and you will feel the power or ONE, when your courage supersede the 'fears' and 'concerns' for your pure survival....
Do not question events around you.... simply observe them, and know that you are one of creators of these events.... Simply KNOW that you choose to be here at these times, on Earth....
Not because this was your prison, or place for karmic debts.... But because you were the brave and very courageous galactic being who volunteered for this mega task... to Ascend Humanity with all Earth....
Yes, this is the ultimate event for our Galaxy, very unique and very special event of Joint Ascension of Mother Earth with all of Her inhabitants ... but only for Ones who choose to Ascend....
Take your LIFE in your hands, and choose ASCENSION.... simply by ACTING from YOUR HEARTS.... where 'fear' is replaced with LOVE....
Try it this time only, and we can talk later, how it was.... and are you willing to go back to 3D densities again?.... Are you willing to give up your God given freedom as sovereign Being again?....
From my perspective, I had quite enough of it.... of this 3D duality and this 3D limited view of GOD....
I have in my heart so much freedom for US ALL, that I am eager to share it with all the Humanity, but only if YOU choose FREEDOM as way of living....
I am here for you, dear Brothers and Sisters of Humanity... to serve you, to love YOU, to be ONE with YOU on New Ascended Earth....
With LOVE Only, Predrag
Thank you Predrag for that
Thank you Predrag for that wonderful, inspiring article. I enjoy reading your peices. I must say however, that, in my opinion there is a huge collaboration going on between the people of this world, the GF, the secret white hat societies and God. It is indeed up to humanity to take inititive on this matter for this is our world, and our society, and we are the reasons we have been oppressed, and we shall be the reason humans are finally set free, but with much much help from God, GF and the secret societies working against the NWO. Our team mates cannot go forward though, if we do not take the first steps. With much Love and Light for you Brother, and all my other siblings in the universe and beyond. <3